In the perseverance this victory

in #motivation8 years ago

I am a true believer that the perseverance of each individual, the success in the future is...

Many times I have heard these phrases, "you can't", "it is impossible", "still dreaming", people have not understood all that in this life, it is fight and persevere, the most that you can, the history of mankind has shown us, that those who have had will, desire to achieve all the goals, they have succeeded, now no one has said that this is an easy road , rather, while more your persevere by your dreams, more obstacles you get, that is unquestionable, because something that I've learned, is that the life not you gives nothing. 

And I think that that is the essence of live birth, grow, it is that each of us fight for our dreams and goals, that is what makes it more exciting, because we do us a question: If life was easy, and it had everything, which would be the desire to live?, i.e. a world without dreams, without fighters , not know, not I imagine a world so, and I think that those dreams have been part, of the evolution of the humanity. 

And our society, will continue to evolve, I'm sure of that, at the moment they are born dreamers, babies in the future changed the lives of many, and I believe that our current society, we must teach them from very small, that everything in this life is possible, that all effort is achieved, which us bad dream, that if someone says you otherwise , not you pay attention, that follow towards forward, that in it perseverance will find always the reward, that it know all, but many times not it put in practice, is can tell that us leave carry by them bad influences of some people, that are the minority, that as them not believe, try of that others are equal to them. 

They are things that, in essence, we must not allow, and do not forget us, we have the opportunity to be parents are the first educators of our children, that we should always encourage them do better than us, because there is nothing worse that a child without dreams, without illusions, the dream allows you to have a purpose in life, which we do not go well does not mean we remove dreams to others, for the simple fact that we have no right to do so, we must respect the wishes of everyone, and because not, encourage them to them to achieve their goals and dreams. 

Perseverance, I consider it essential, in our personal growth, I think that one of the worst things that a human being can have is ignorance, Simón Bolívar said: "is us has dominated more by ignorance, than by force", and this phrase has a lot of truth, we must always try to educate us, to understand things, nurture our knowledge, in order to be prepared for any adversity. 

I hope that these words, serve as reflection, motivation, for many of you friends readers, these words are part of my personal growth, three years ago had a mindset very different from the now, and I think that partly has been the growth of my son, who has made me see things in a different way, why always think the came at the right time in my life , and the things more large that I learned is that in the perseverance always find the success. 

Follow me: @luisucv34

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