Daily motivation

in #motivation5 years ago

Daily motivation



I'm trying to tell myself these things more than anyone else.

My depression almost killed me. I almost killed me.

I posted to 2meirl4meirl almost religiously.

I'm hoping the opposite works to my best intentions.

I'm hoping it also helps someone but I'm also hoping one of those someone's is me.

Obligatory Reddit gold thank you edit. Thanks so much!!!

Self-doubt is normal. Everyone who has ever done anything outside of their comfort zone doubted themselves at some point.

Here's the thing though: you are tough. You are still here; you are reading this post and surviving in the world and that makes you tough, because this is a tough world to survive in. Think of all the things that life has thrown at you in your 20, 30, 50 years on this planet. And you made it through all of that.

And sure, I know that getting through some of that absolutely sucked, but you did it and you are a more complex, capable and wise person because of it. Whether you realize it or not, you learned from all of those crappy experiences.

Use that capability and toughness to take the next step. Take imperfect action. Self-doubt comes when we look at the big picture. Focus only on the next tiny step that you can take—getting out of bed, signing up for that class, submitting that application, whatever. Concentrating on the immediate next step makes the task much less daunting.

For a triple shot of motivation, find your Why, remind yourself that you've got this, and then get out there and prove your doubts wrong.

You've made a goal and you're working tirelessly to reach it. However, months, even years have passed and you still haven't accomplished it. You're starting to feel like you're never going to reach it and feel like giving up. I was in this situations years ago, but reminding myself that giving up wouldn't accomplish anything helped me push through the negativity and eventually, I accomplished something I never thought possible.

I was 19 years old and was hovering between 215-220 pounds. I was a size 20 in pants and probably super close to developing pre-diabetes. I realized that I had needed to make a change. However, a year went by and I was getting frustrated. I had lost 20 pounds, but I realized that I still needed to lose a lot more. Plus, I had probably plateaued while my dad, who also had to lose weight, was easily losing it. After yelling at him about how I'll never lose the weight and about how hopeless I felt, my dad calmly told me something that I will never forget: "You came this far, no use giving up now." He was right. I had already lost 20 pounds and went down a pant size. If I can accomplish all of that in a year, then imagine what I can accomplish in another year.

Fast forward to today. I'm 26, about to turn 27 in 2 weeks. I'm 110 pounds. Over a period of 8 years, I had lost around 100 pounds , 4-5 pant sizes and am no where close to developing pre-diabetes. I am also determined to try and inspire someone to make a positive change in their lives by retelling my weight loss story.

If you take anything away from this story, it should be this message: Some goals take time. You may not be satisfied that it's taking a long time, but if you've come this far, there's no use giving up.


I will leave a link to a video of Mr Jacinto in the comments section.

Mr Jacinto has a had such an impact on the entire gym fitness community. He is an 80 year old with the physique of a 30 year old and the strength to match that. His mobility is impeccable and at times unbelievable. To put it into perspective, the man can do 80 pull ups in under 20 minutes. He even has an intense workout routine named after him that is called the "Jacinto"...

Besides his clear tenacity and physique, there have been some huge bumps in the road. Prostate cancer at 70 could have and probably should have been fatal. What's crazy is, he was so intent on beating the cancer because he couldn't stand not being able to work out. Above all, Mr Jacinto says his driving force behind working out at such an advanced age is that he wants to be able to do things for himself and remain relatively fit. To me that is at the very least something admirable....


!cheetah ban
Multiple account mass spam.

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