Rules for Getting Up Early and Pursuing Your Dreams

in #motivation3 years ago

I've never been a fan of the daytime. I tried waking up around 5:30 a.m. late last year. After an hour of writing, I was on my way to my job at an engineering firm. It was the most difficult task I've undertaken in a long time. However, I was successful.

If I can do it, I'm sure you can too.

Consider how much easier your day would be if you completed your most difficult and critical tasks first thing in the morning! You'll find the rest of the day to be child's play. Furthermore, you will not have to watch a day slip by without realising what you have planned in the evenings since you have spent the entire day without idling, or you will not have to watch a day slip away without realising what you have planned with a sorrowful stare.

Decision, preparation, execution, and chance account for 50/30/10/10 percent of my early morning wake-up narrative. Does it appear to be difficult?


It's not unusual for most of you to get up around 5:30 a.m. It will be very tough to keep yourself awake at this hour, especially if you don't have a solid reason to do so. It will be even more difficult if you want to do this for personal reasons (i.e. if you don't do it because you are afraid of getting fired).

You see, you have to put forth some effort.

It may sound cliched, but if you want to get up early, you must truly desire it.

I tried waking up early a few years ago to write for my blog before going to work. I've even done it before, and I can't tell you how happy it made me. What occurred after that? It was the last time I did it.

I guess I didn't have a strong enough desire.

It's quite tough to try to get up early when you work a profession that takes up practically all of your day, such as engineering, when you work between 7 and 5 a.m. It's far easier to put off writing till later, go to work, consider the day a success, and forget about your aspirations.

As a result, whatever your desire is, you must be completely dedicated to it. That dream was writing for me.

Every weekday morning, I currently get up at 5:30 a.m. (on the weekends I give myself an hour or two more to rest). I write first, then go to work. Even this post, which you are about to read, is the result of my rising habit of getting up early.

So, how has my life changed?

I've come a long way in terms of waking up early just by making a decision. All that was left was to prepare, practise, and hope for the best.

These five things that I started doing helped me get ready for the early morning wake-up call.

Most people function best after getting a specific amount of sleep. This phase lasts 6 hours for the fortunate few. I am one of those people that requires at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I believe the majority of you are like me.

When I made the decision to get up two hours earlier than usual, I realised that obtaining my eight hours of sleep and going to bed two hours earlier to maintain my current state permits my life functions to perform effectively.

It can be tough to persuade your body that it is time to fall asleep if you operate at full speed during the day. To tell my body that it's time to start preparing for sleep, I established a pre-sleep routine.

I turn off all of my electronic gadgets about an hour before going to bed. When it comes to special occasions, I depart from this practise, but I never forget to dim my phone or laptop screen.

Then I make a cup of herbal tea and meditate for about 10 minutes before retiring to bed.

And when I go into bed, I read in dim light until I either find a comfortable place to stop reading or I can't help but open my eyes.

It is now time for me to retire to my bed.


I found myself perusing social media or straining to accomplish something meaningful the first time I tried to get up early in the morning. I was addicted to procrastination, you see. Of course, this incident disrupted my early morning routine on numerous occasions.

My biggest aid has been planning my morning hours the night before so that I know exactly what I'm going to focus on. I got to work immediately away and didn't waste any time or energy doing so.

I feel like I've won a win every morning I work this way, and I want to keep waking up early.

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