It's All In Your Mind


Your mind is so powerful. Sometimes it is more powerful than you can imagine. After all as we think about who we are the definition created by your mind (ego?) can be potentially your strength as well as your prison.

While I do like the sentiment held by this particular quote, the last line needs a little work. I mean

all you have to do is change your mind

All? Sounds pretty easy right?

To paraphrase Ekhart Tolle

You are both the prisoner and the jailer

To change your mindset you have to develop thinking that you currently don't possess. So how can you do that?

Luckily for you I have an answer. Notice not the answer, because the answer is different for everyone. Hell I have barely scratched the surface of my own ability to see beyond my own bullshit.

It takes perseverence and effort. Sometimes you will fall off your path, however consider that knowing there is a path to begin with is an achievement in itself. I spent many years hardly knowing what forest I was in let alone that there was a path to follow.

You may start to find more questions than answers and that is ok.

If you feel like there is something missing in your life then you are on that journey. By reading more, listening to more and engaging that inquisitive nature you will grow.

It might feel sometimes that you aren't progessing but the fact you are still reading things means you are.

You are already everything you need to be. Maybe it is just a matter of realising that.

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