Never give up ~ keep pushing

in #motivation6 years ago

On the off chance that I could state one thing to the youngsters of today, it would be this: Never surrender. Continue attempting and pushing and battling, regardless of whether you don't realize what your objective is or why you would need to accomplish it.

As you walk down the road not surrendering, hold your head high and swing your elbows. Individuals will remember you as somebody who won't surrender, and they will escape your direction. Some of them will even stow away.

Some will endeavor to dishearten you. They'll say that what you're doing is "illicit," or a "wrongdoing," or an infringement of the wellbeing code. They may stick to your legs, making you drag them along, or hop onto your back, arguing, "for the sake of God, if it's not too much trouble stop what you're doing!"

Continue onward. Rest guaranteed, they're envious.

"We're not envious, genuinely," they may state. "Simply please stop!" Maybe you've struck a nerve.

"No, you haven't struck a nerve," they'll say. "What you're doing is simply terrible, and we'd like you to stop!"


Give that a chance to be your motivation. Shake off the naysayers and walk on, through the mud and the rottenness and the ooze, realizing that you have a higher reason. Keep in mind, no one preferred van Gogh's work, and if no one enjoys yours it's most likely a sign that you're a virtuoso.

Look to the skyline. See that little dab? Actually no, not that one—the one that is considerably more remote. You can scarcely observe it. Presently don't stop until the point that you achieve it. Take out your blade and hack another way through the wilderness, regardless of whether there is an old way only a couple of feet away. Battle off the monkeys of "good conduct" and the sloths of "persistence."

We are conceived with the impulse not to surrender. As children, we cry and shout until the point that we get what we need. Yet, some place along the line we lose that capacity. Individuals talk us out of our insane thoughts—individuals who live in the supposed genuine world, where things "bode well." They've never endeavored the incomprehensible. In any case, you have, many, ordinarily.

Continue pushing ahead—not in a way that appears to be pushy but rather in a way that says you won't stop. A few people say you shouldn't hit your head against a divider. Advise that to the woodpecker.

En route, there will be bargains—influences and torment and "chasing mischances." You may need to take part in unnatural sex acts. Be that as it may, don't surrender. With each unnatural sex act, you will be one bit nearer to your objective.

When you at long last achieve the main phase of accomplishment, praise yourself. In any case, recollect that there are twenty-four more phases of achievement.


A few people may ask, "In the event that I take a rest, even somewhat one, is that the same as surrendering?" Yes, it is. Yet, in the event that you have to put on a show to surrender—with the goal that individuals will allow you to sit unbothered—proceed. At that point continue doing what you do, yet much harder.

Quite a long while back, there was a man who wouldn't surrender. He was only a performing artist, yet he had greater things at the top of the priority list, in the realm of governmental issues. Individuals attempted to talk him out of his wild-peered toward thoughts, yet he wouldn't tune in.

Continue pushing and scratching and mauling and asking. Indeed, even in your fantasies, don't surrender. In the event that you dream that you are wearing only underpants, attempt to make them costly, official underpants.

Inevitably, all your assurance will pay off. Similar individuals who taunted your thoughts and handled you will now claim to love your vision. "We cherish it! We adore it!" they'll say. They'll reveal to you that the representative is keen on your thoughts and will package you off in an auto to the senator's house. Be that as it may, when you go under the stone passage you'll see that it doesn't state "Senator's Mansion" however "Crazy Asylum." Jump out of the auto and keep running into the forested areas. Continue running. Never surrender running.


Youngsters need to keep concentrate on the goals, never think the wrong things about the lose. Every mistake can make you more perfect.

Mistakes help us become a better person tomorrow

Why did you send almost 4000 Steem to Pushup today?

Keep pushing, never stop working hard and you will be greatly rewarded at the end

Youngster never stop to work hard and not stop raining out

Very inspiring post. It is definitely important to keep pushing ourselves to reach our goals. However, we must stay grounded in how the world works, and in the reality of our dreams, and be able to take criticism.

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