PERSEVERANCE: The True Key to Success.

in #motivation7 years ago

Perseverance is the key to achieve dreams, goals or objectives and requires a lot of discipline to make it. Success is not something that appears overnight; On the contrary, it is the result of much preparation, dedication, work, sacrifices and also failures.

One of the most important, necessary and hardly ever easy to maintain quality is perseverance. The road to success is always long and tortuous, and only those who persevere manage to reach the top. Others always stay on the road.


What is perseverance?

Perseverance is tenacity, consistency, constancy, concentration, dedication, discipline, effort, work, willpower, and determination; Qualities that are necessary to overcome mental limits which sometimes we impose, for to accomplish dreams it is necessary, to insist, to persist and never giving up.

Thomas Watson, the multi-millionaire father of IBM, once said: "The fastest way to succeed is to double your rate of failure.”

Never give in to obstacles. 

Although the lack of persistence is the primary cause of failure, it is a common weakness in most people; it can also be overcome through effort. In order to achieve this; the most important thing is to concentrate on your desire, because if it stays alive, motivation and faith will remain intact, hence you will not lose focus; In addition, we also learn to develop willpower, which is the one that keeps us motivated to change adverse circumstances in our favor.

The desire

According to the dictionary, desire is the strong inclination of the will towards knowledge, attainment, and enjoyment of something. It is also the product of something that is wanted with vehemence and zeal. It is the result of a process that begins with an emotion and then becomes a feeling and finally a desire.

Napoleon Hill said: "When willpower and desire combine properly, they form an irresistible Association." The starting point of any achievement is desire. The important thing would be to discover how big this is because if it is large, the results will be therefore also high.



Willpower is an active decision to do things; Is the faculty that drives us to fulfill what we have chosen and to reach our goals, and is defined as one of the most determining aspects in the character of a person.

It is the intention of doing something even above difficulties, setbacks, and mood. Walt Disney, a great dreamer and consummator of Great goals, said: "The value of willpower opens paths." And Mahatma Gandhi said: "Strength comes not from bodily capacity, but from an iron will."



Motivation is a word that comes from the Latin words motus, which means "moved," and "motius," meaning "movement." It is what drives or moves a person to perform certain actions, persisting in them to achieve their goals. It is, therefore, the will attached to the effort of achieving dreams, goals, and results with efficiency.

It is the faculty of provoking, maintaining and directing the behavior of the individual toward the proposed goal. It is the direction and intensity of the effort for results. Motivation focuses directly on what we want or long for; That is, towards desire.

The key to achieving dreams

Perseverance is the key to achieving your goals and can be acquired with discipline when we learn to combine desire, motivation, willpower, determination, and faith. This is the best way to apply perseverance, practice and develop the ability to achieve all your dreams.

Learn the art of perseverance in everything you undertake, and once you have acquired this habit, you will never fail in your endeavor to achieve all your goals. Everything is a matter of practice.

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Excellent work dear friend @ jonsnow1983 congratulations on this wonderful work, thank you very much for sharing these beautiful words.

Didn't Read this mate! Thanks for the love.

Thank you @jonsnow1983, never give up, just keep on fighting the fight and you will reach your goal!

Thank you Darling, I hadn't see this, Cheers!

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