in #motivation6 years ago



I wonder what our world would be like if each of us would find somebody to be good to everyday. What would our country be like? what would our offices be like? what would our schools be like if we made it a priority to brighten somebody else's day?. Every opportunity we have we should be good to people, this means we need to be on the look out, we need to be proactive, we need to have this mindset of ''who can i bless today?'' ''who can i favor today?'' . You can't just sit back and wait for the need to come to you. You have to go after it.

There would be a time that the love of many people will grow cold, many people may become busy, they may be so focused on their own needs, they will be so caught up in their drive for success that they won't take time to make a difference.


Sometimes it's easy for us to get so caught up in our own little world that we are focused only on ourselves. You will hear some words like I've got some plans, don't get me off my schedule, i'll love to help you out but i'm sorry, this is football season. I just don't have time.

We were not created to live selfishly. We were created to make a difference in the lives of others. John Bunyan, author of the classic pilgrim's said ''you have not lived today until you have done something for someone that cannot pay you back''. Friends all around us are hurting people who need our love and encouragement,don't miss this opportunity, don't be too busy or insensitive of the needs of those around you. Be willing to be inconvenienced, be sensitive and pay attention to those around you. Your friends, co-workers and even your relatives, listen to what they are saying.


We shouldn't miss opportunities to do good whenever situations come across our path to bless people. When you give to those in need, you are lending to God and God knows how to pay you back with huge interest. It may not even be money but you can baby sit that single mum's child/children,if you see one of your friends wearing the same clothes all the time why don't you step and say ''let me buy you a suit or two'' or you can also say to him/her take this gift and get your self some nice clothes.
Maybe you and your family go out to eat every Sunday after church or on weekends, why don't you take a single parent family along with you? or yet be a mentor to one of these young children it doesn't take a lot of money i guess. Its just all about your time and love that makes someone to care and make a difference in their environment.

Find somebody to be good to everyday and i believe the world would be a better place to live in. Givers never lack.

Thanks for reading....

I remain your humble @joanna-godfrey......


Another nice article from a great mind! We all should find someone to be good to everyday.

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I just resteemed you | courtesy @[resteemedby]
Read my introduction post

Thank you for the inspiration.

Yea thanks also for reading...

Givers are always happy, thanks for this!! 😊

Thanks for reading dear

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Your post reminds me of the movie "Pay it Forward". The world will be a better place if everyone who receives an act of goodwill will pay it forward . When we do good deeds or give to other people, it has to be out of the goodness of our hearts, we should not expect anything in return. We must also encourage them to do another person a favor, so it is like a law of duplication of good deeds.

Great post again!

Thanks for reading

The question is what will you be remembered for? Will people look back and remember you for the good you added to your immediate environment.

It important that we strife to do good at all times. The world is a small place and we always get to reap the dividends of our actions.

Nice post @joanna-godfrey

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