5 Tips That Motivated Me To Finally Start My Blog!

in #motivation6 years ago

Lately I was in a car accident after which I suffered some injuries which prevented me from working and I was put on a disability leave. During that leave, I had nothing to do as I was recovering so I started reading books and articles. It is then that I realized I really want to write stories and articles about the things I am passionate about and have some knowledge in. I wanted to share my experiences and help others through my stories. Everyone has a voice and I realized I wanted to get mine out to the world just like my favorite authors and bloggers. I wanted to create a blog since the last 3-4 years but I never really got the courage to do it because I thought there were others out there doing it better than me.

However having absolutely nothing to do during my recovery, I wrote my first post and then my second post. I realized once you start it is very hard for you to stop. What is really hard is just that initial step of actually writing your first post and putting it out there. Here are some of the tips I found that were helpful:

1: Reading:

Whether it is books, magazines or other people’s blogs, reading goes a long way in inspiring you to write your own story and getting it out there. I totally agree with the concept of following the people you want to become. So go ahead and follow your favorite authors, bloggers and writers. You have to act and think like them if you want to be them. Read their stories, get to know them and get inspired.

2: Try not to do it only for fame and money:

If the only factor that motivates you is fame and money then you will have a hard time starting because a successful blog doesn’t emerge overnight. For as long as I had been wanting to start a blog in order to make myself look good and get rich I did not get the courage to start just in case I flopped and didn’t make money. However during my leave when I was reading some great books I thought to myself “wow what great information – I wish I read this before” and I realized I want to share my reads and ideas with everyone because I want to share knowledge and help people. So as long as you have a purpose in mind other than just making money and getting famous you are on a great start! If money is your only motivator, there is a chance that you will only be urged to post content that others are making money on. As a result, you might lose your individuality and creativity in fear that it won’t make money.

3: Tell a friend!

No you don’t have to tell the entire world you are starting a blog. Tell someone you are close to and someone who is caring and willing to help you out. Words of encouragement go a long way and could be the nudge you need in order to gather strength to just do it! I confided in close friends that I want to start a blog but I don’t have the courage to do it and was overwhelmed by their warm, encouraging response and willingness to help. They continue to offer me great advice and any help that I need.

4: Dive in - Don’t wait for miracles:

Get your first post out there! No matter how mediocre or average you think it is. This again ties back to my second point, if you are doing it for money you will be so focus on quality that you won’t be putting out any quantity. I am not saying quantity and quality shouldn’t go hand in hand but don’t get too caught up in how other people will respond. These are your ideas, your thoughts and your lifestyle! You cannot go wrong. Forget about what other people will think as long as you believe it is good content just put it out there! Let your intuition be your guide!

5: Be consistent - Don’t let your readers forget you!

Once you have your first post out there try to be consistent in putting out content as often as possible in order to create a following and letting your readers know you are here to stay! Even if it is only one post a week – consistency is the key! I am a full time accounting administrator and I do a 9-5 job. I write my stories during lunch hours or on the train but I try to be consistent with my writing as much as possible. You won’t find time – you need to make time!

Hope this helped! Good luck!

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