What Did You Do With The Month Of August?

Thank God for bringing us to the month of September. I believe the month of August was a great month for we all and we are strongly believing that the month of September will be much more greater.

It's usual to wish ourselves a happy new month and also to set goals for a new month of the things one wishes to achieve or the things that one wishes to stop that was not profitable in the previous month but before we begin to make many wishes and great plans for August, there is an important question to ask and that is "What did we do with the month of August".

Yea you heard me well, what did you do with the last month. All the goals you set for last month, how many were achieved and how many didn't you achieve? If this question is not sincerely answered by each of us then September might not bring us any result. Yes no result can come out of September if we are not sincere to review last month and to check the things we failed to achieved and the reasons responsible for we failing in those areas.

Those friends that never profited your life but rather reduced your productivity, what are you still doing with them? That TV show that never added value to your life, why still waste precious time on time?
There are many things to say but then I have to stop at this point and counsel you as well as myself to take steps and decisions that will make September to be indeed a great month.

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