Tuesday Goals :: What are your plans this week? [Share your work and get featured!]

in #motivation6 years ago

Anything you're struggling with and you'd like to get help?

We can be your coach! imusify (on Steemit) is intended to support, help, motivate and coach musicians to strive, thrive and become amazing artists.

So, let us know what your musical plans are this week. What gigs do you have going on? What song are you working on? What about those chords you've been struggling for months now (let's get those sorted this week!). We'd love to know!


What are you most excited about this week?

Did you finally nail that gig? Are you buying a new guitar tomorrow? Or are you simply feeling super motivated and have a budding idea for another song?

What are your goals this week?

Have you been struggling with something and this week is the week to finally tackle it? Do you want get those chords down and out of our system this week? And how are you going to achieve your goal?

What are your struggles with this week?

Share with us what you're dealing with this week, and maybe we or other fellow Steemians can help you out. imusify is a community after all, and Steemit is a social media platform, isn't it? Let us use it to it's full potential!

Let us know what you are working on this week starting on #TuesdayGoals!

We would love to hear about all the things in progress in our comment section and maybe even a sneak peek with the tag #imusify?

Let's hear it!

Any questions or simply want to talk to us? We are on Steem.Chat, Discord and Telegram!



Did you know we have our own Discord Channel for Steemians? Join us!


imusify is an award-winning music platform that is reinventing the global music industry in order to liberate music makers, music fans, and music entrepreneurs. We have our own ϑ IMU tokens which are used as the engine to support imusify’s multi-layered, decentralized music economy.

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