How do you Motivate Others to be the Best They Can Be? Face Your Fears

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


Becoming motivated is intricately linked with taking control of your mind. Once you learn to think about events and different situations in perhaps a different way to which we are accustomed, we begin to see that the power is inside us, not outside. The key is how we choose to react to and interpret events, rather than the actual events themselves.

We have the ability to control our fears and stress. A lot of us think and therefore allow ourselves to be at the mercy of our brains, yet we can control our emotional responses.

We don't need to do this:


However, there are lots of ways that you can look at to change how you think. One of my particular favorites is Tim Ferriss's ‘Fear Setting’ method.

It takes into account some key cognitive behavior therapy principles and it just makes sense!

When we feel stressed, our brains are focussing on all the things that could pear-shaped (wrong), when we do this we are essentially telling our bodies to be stressed and hormones are triggered.

Not convinced of this?

Consider the power of the placebo. Just belief can trigger the most effective hormonal response, even though in essence we are being fooled.

You can remove the stress surrounding something that you are worried or anxious about, by telling yourself 'I don't need to be stressed'.

With fear setting, we identify the specific worries and fears that are holding your back from your goals. So for example, if your goal was to start your own business, you might have fears like:

  • What if I’m not successful and I get into debt and end up on the street and homeless?
  • What if I don't make enough money to support my family?
  • What if my spouse doesn't like the idea and chooses to leave me?
  • What if I fail completely and everybody laughs at me?
  • What if I don't like being my own boss?

That is step one.

Now step two is to write down if this fear might happen and what you would do if it did.

What if I’m not successful and I get into debt and end up on the street and homeless? – Possible – I can live of savings, cut outgoings, stay with parents, sign up for welfare to survive.

What if I don't make enough money to support my family? – Unlikely – We can survive on on salary, parents might help, I could get a part-time job to make sure ends meet.

What if my spouse doesn't like the idea and chooses to leave me? – Very unlikely – If that happened I would have to question their loyalty.

What if I fail completely and everybody laughs at me? Unlikely – But at least I can say I tried and have no regrets.

What if I don't like being my own boss? – Unlikely – I go and look for another job.

It is about being open to all the options and brainstorming even the ridiculous ones. Answering the worries and beating them.

As what you have done is burst your fears wide open and you can see that there is no need to worry - your fears are not worth worrying about as you know what you will do if you find yourself in any of those scenarios.

You have robbed the fear of their power. They no longer have a hold over you.


Tim Ferriss adds a final step that makes things quite interesting.

Write down the opposite fear.

What is the opposite fear if your goal was to start your own business?

Staying in the same job forever and never realizing dreams - Likely

Which scenario is more terrifying?

What can you use 'fear setting' for to change your life? I'd suggest reaching for your dreams, as life is short.

Don't waste another day.

Helen AKA Hope Huggs


Source Tim Ferris's Blog

Images from


Lines to Live by

I love my life.
I am beautiful.
I am powerful.
I am free.
I love my life
I am wonderful.
I am magical.
I am me.

Lyrics by Robbie Williams


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Fear is what is causing most of us to not follow through with so many things. Thanks for this great post @hopehuggs!

It is definitely the difference between a mediocre life and an excellent one.

Totally agree! I have worked on it in the past year or two. Changed so much in my life!

Getting out of your comfort zone is the most difficult thing to do, and facing your fears is something some people can even spend their whole lifetime without doing.
It needs courage, but it gets you stronger.

Courage and support from good people, that is what I found in this last year, as I have been conquering a lot of fears and getting more confident that the decisions I make are the right ones.

The opposing fear, that's an interesting one. I feel that is the key, since even if we lay out the fear it still might be a little scary. Makes it seem like a bit of a balancing act to figure out if you're willing to take the risk.

Certainly laying it all out there would peel back the emotional part of the fear. I will be sure to have this method in mind, thanks!

I'm glad it helped you Eon, the opposing fear definitely gives the method extra bite.

This post has received gratitude of 3.15 % from @appreciator thanks to: @hopehuggs.

I always say go in the direction of your fear. On one hand our brain kicks into survival mode which is where much of the fear lies. But survival mode is just what it sounds like. SURVIVAL.

Thriving requires going in the direction of what you fear. Only then do you truly live.

Acting on fear makes you come alive, whilst staying in the comfort zone all the time, you become a robot and everything stays the same.

FACE FEAR = Being your own HERO

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