Decisions Made Yesterday Have Consequences Today

in #motivation7 years ago

Life is made of choice, in fact, life has placed on us (human) the gift of choice, from the paramount to the mundane. Over the past years, people have come to realize that they are a product of their past choice.


I took time to study the life of Sir Isaac Newton and I realised that his success was due to his past effort and devotion to continuous study. Sir Isaac Newton's achievements came about because of his discipline and lifetime commitment to excellence.

Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come. - Robert H. Schuller

Decisions made years back have consequences today. Making the right or wrong decisions and choices now will determine the level of success or failure later. Decision and choice making is essential in paramount and specific thing but it is also necessary for mundane and casual things.

Your decisions and choices today will determine your result tomorrow just the same way you are a product of the decisions you took years ago.


The food you eat today will affect you soon, the time you spend doing a thing today will determine the result you get tomorrow.

The choices of information you decide to take in today will affect you tomorrow, positively or negatively.

It does not end there, choices go as far as exercises and workout, the exercises you do or do not do today will show up with results soon.

You have a choice, make a decision, do not wait for years when you will be asked to reflect about your greatest or biggest regrets, only for you to have regret abouts the choices and decisions you never made earlier.




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Thanks to @elyaque for my first badge

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past<> present <>future


Yes, they are all interrelated

choices go as far as exercises and workout,

This got me, It looks so little but it is of great importance. I like the way you relate your articles. Nice motivation @gbenga

Thanks a lot @turpsy for going through my blog

great post really like your post.....

Thanks a lot @fahad290, I'm glad you liked it

And somehow I am making wrong ones to often

Then take time to weigh the benefits you get from the choices you make. If you are making the wrong choices continually, then change the way you see things.

Your insight affects your choices

True! Our present day decisions are crucial and have the ability to either make or mar our future. It would therefore be wise on our part to ponder each step before we take them and also every decision before we make them. Making the right decisions today will create a better and more secure future not only for ourselves, but for the entire human populace. Great and lovely post as always!

Truly said. There were days when i always do things without looking at the nearest future. I stopped the day i checked back to see what i had achieved as a result of my past effort (negative) then i realised i had achieved nothing. So i decided to start making proper use of every second so I can get a good result tomorrow.

Well said sir
Everything has a Repercussion

Its just a matter of when it would strike

That I agree with you, but when it strikes back will it not be too late??

It is always an added advantage when we look before we leap, our today's decision can either make us or mar us.


Attitude is a choice.
Happiness is a choice.
Optimism is a choice.
Kindness is a choice.
Giving is a choice.
Respect is a choice.
Whatever choice you make makes you.
Choose wisely

Thanks for that... I am always very slow and careful while making choices because they are what i will stand for tomorrow

" Your decisions and choices today will determine your result tomorrow just the same way you are a product of the decisions you took years ago. "

"You have a choice, make a decision, do not wait for years when you will be asked to reflect about your greatest or biggest regrets, only for you to have regret abouts the choices and decisions you never made earlier"

this two phrases really well-written, what happened in many places is just the opposite, you made the decision in a rush, but take a year or so to reflect what you have done. I did just the same

thanks for reminder btw :)

Yes I agree. It's high time people started letting their brains lead rather than their hearts. Some people are concerned with immediate gratification that they knowingly make wrong choices or take wrong paths. The saddening thing is looking back and wishing we had done otherwise.

A delayed gratification today will give room for a satisfaction tomorrow.
One thing i think we need to learn is the fact that nothing comes easy, The things you do not do today will affect tomorrow

life has a variety of choices, if you want to change your life, then the opponent of your destiny

Thanks @mirzacho for your contribution. I'm happy to have you on my blog

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