Five steps for any business to go from the bottom to the top Invisible to Power

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

If you make a big decision in your life and commit to it you can win at anything
It is important to understand psyche and be Intentional with the day

Elon musk plans in 5 minutes increments, if you can do it by hour and work it down to that you will build a solid gameplan and be present.

How you do anything is how you do everything and you can spark a better way to success.
You will meet people who tried to look for their passion others will travel to try and figure it out.

As long as you put time and effort in pay attention and details going into it you will be more prepared for success.

An example is making a decision to commit for three years not six months or a year to see at that time through the highs and lows what you can do.

Five steps for any business to go from the bottom to the top

Invisible to Power: How to create awareness for any business anytime and any economy

When you start out in a business you are invisible and need to bring awareness to others of what you do it takes energy in writing it down and a business mindset.

Once you learn how to sell can go outside at anytime and you need to create noise for your business and raise awareness.

Awareness is growing learning and improving over time, and any business you start you are invisible no one knows you are doing this.

You want to make sure that you are not just there to sell but to build relationships looking past the sale to referrals and individuals beyond the one you are meeting with.

The next stage is Emergence

Emergence is when you start getting into the game and start making sales your business begins to grow and people start to notice you are doing something.

In the emergence stage you want to make sure to reach stability and not just move with the market ebbs and flows.


Where most businesses need to be and where you want to go.

The best way to do that is to invest in Stability, once you learn the skill-sets you need to be successful you can be in field every single week and hit at bat but it takes time.

In the housing market for example in tough markets you can sell one house earn 10 grand then spend it all you want to start to make an income have things you want in your life and move from stability to abundance.

Then after that power where the business runs by itself.

That said most businesses get bored or lazy at stability and they get to a level where they have never been before and enjoy it.

However opportunities do not come in a nice little box and if you are not prepared for growth opportunities you can miss out.

The other concern with stability is that people keep adding to their bills as the income reaches a higher point.
We all start at invisible however the emotion attached to reaching stability and the anxiety lead to the stage you are at.

The only ones who will understand what you are going through are your friends and compatriots in business if you are in the same industry your friends are not competition and are people you can rely upon.

Stick with people who will stand beside you and take responsibility do not expect when starting a new business to start making money after six months to a year.

The best way to learn is to become a student and learn from successful individuals to grow your business as time is the only thing we can’t get back and learning from others can add value to your business and ideally you will be able to reciprocate and add value to theirs.

You need to serve and give out and treat customers and clients like gold.

By being upbeat and having energy and feeling and understanding the business you can serve and add value to others and learn and be curious all the time.

Failing Forward (Need to get out there to do the action) Feel the pain and realize you can get better after every meeting recall what worked what did not work and what can get better.

As people buy from people they like first, then value and finally trust and confidence. Be willing to open their minds.
Once you realize you want to be awake for life it changes everything and massive action needs to be done you can grow.

Ways to do that include efficient sleep successful people need 5 to 6 hours of sleep and once you realize you want to be awake for life it changes everything.

The best way to do that is to program yourself to do action such as waking up with an you can create a life that you want to through sequential small steps.
Always Hit play into a motivational video and watch something to boost your attitude in the morning.

If you start at 5 you can have everything done by noon then be free rest of the day if you wish and set time to take off.
You just need to make sure you are in those habits every single moment and stability is a guaranteed income.

What you talk and bring is what others see in you so wake up with a smile with an idea of who you are and who you want to become success is just in here and pay the price as a lot of people have to go through some stuff to get through it.

By making a decision if it something you really want to go you will grow.


nice post sir this is very informative post . this is very important instruction for business man that guy who want to start business they need to follow this.

Hello there!

This post has been upvoted as a thank you for supporting @sexywhalebot.

Have a sexy and profitable day! : ]

Good post

Thank you @ceyebrity

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