Motivational Boost Day 5 (I didn't have the time to post)

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

I lot of the times we find ourselves being too busy to exercise. Yesterday was one of those days. My day consisted of cleaning up with the kids in the morning... Could that be considered exercise?...Then it was lunch with Santa at the community center.

After that, we went home, played some with their new gifts that were given from Santa. Shortly after it was time for me to leave. It was a girls night out that I haven't had in years! We had a nice supper and then we went bowling!

We had a great time! I mean, bowling was never my thing. I don't see it as being a sport or anything active. What was fun about it was the time I had with friends. The chance to get out without the kids is very rare, so I will take bowling anytime if it gets me out of the house.

We had many laughs, my face hurt from laughing and I had tears in my eyes from laughing. I truly had a great time.

None of us were professional bowlers but a couple of them were definitely more experienced. One of the girls chose to play small balls in which I think is for the more advanced players (?)

I haven't played this game for over 15 years about. I had to study what other people were doing as to not fall over or not throw the ball too high.
Doing the same as they were doing resulted in me getting a few strikes and winning the first game but it must have been a lucky streak. I got fewer strikes and more gutters in the other games. Thinking that I was doing it all wrong as my left hip was hurting after a while. How people play this game so much? I have no idea.

We had a few good laughs with one of our friends that was struggling with getting the ball to go straight. She tried different ways, different positions and we tried coming up with different ways to help her out.

But you know what? She was consistent, she was positive and with her upbeat attitude she improved in every game, always beating her score from the previous round. There is a good lesson to be learned in that. Keep pushing and persevering, stay the course with the same upbeat attitude she had and will no longer have limitations to our goals. I am glad to have her as a friend!

Actually there is a lot to learn from these friends. Strength to move forward despite the pain, to work hard for what is right and for our family. To be happy above all and enjoy what we have in our lives, to take care of ourselves and also be ok with counting on each other. And laughter being one of the most important ones and the best part ~ It doesn't cost a thing.

In my first post of this series I wrote about how it is important to have a reward after reaching our goals. I didn't write what my goal was and what my reward was. I wanted to write but just didn't have the time.
My goal was to just exercise this week. Get myself out there and do the job. Yes, I did procrastinate. I had started off strong and slowed down a bit. We can't always plan out how things play out day to day. But that's ok. I set a small goal for myself and my reward? I had bought myself a bloody caesar at the restaurant when I was out with the girls. Mind you they also bought me drinks (THANK YOU!) A small reward for a small goal.

Setting small goals to start with makes it so that we are more realistic with ourselves too. Only in time can we make the bigger goals. Got to learn how to move the pions before we can play to win the game of chess.

As we set to start a new week, I start a new goal. My goal is to go for a walk once a day. Make the time and properly schedule it so that I can head out for that walk. Last week I tried to go and even though I did most days, I didn't get to on a couple other days. Hoping that the weather will be kind and not be too cold!

And as a reward... I have to think about that one. See what is available to me. Maybe I will make myself that cake I have always wanted to make. Maybe I will buy myself a cheap pair of earrings. Or maybe I will take more time practicing the violin or crocheting, asking someone to play with the kids while I do that. That there seems really interesting, as long as I reach my goal.

So cheers to you my dear Steemit community. Thank you for motivating me and pushing me forward to start my journey. Much love and respect to you all!


Just love that bowling is still a thing! It was huge in the 80's when my parents went three times a week! So glad to see your family having such fun with it!

I may bring the kids bowling sometime soon, I think they are ready to find out. And ya, it is still a thing, there were some people there jumping and bouncing around when they striked. It was fun to see.

Oh, my mother would hold the ball and wiggle before she started walking. Then she would giggle when the ball made a strike. It was funny.

It’s been so long since I’ve been bowling but reading this post has kind of inspired me to take my kids out to the bowling alley, they’re still a bit young but I think they’d enjoy it. Keep up the good work achieving your goals Foxy!

I was thinking that myself, wondering if my 3 yr old would perhaps be a tad too young but the other 2 I think would enjoy it. The most important is the family fun time ^_^

Thank you for the encouragement ^_^

Wow, looks like a fun day! I think this counts as excercise, haha. Yesterday I ended up not having time to exercise, but I think lugging heavy buckets of water from my fish tank counted. It was something anyway.
Nice post!

Definitely counts. Using arm muscles to fill it up definitely gets the muscles working ;)

I may not have much time today either. I am baking, cleaning, got company coming over. A christmas movie at the library for the kids after supper. Big day! But @mattifer has got me to do 10 min of stretching so I will fit that in my day :)

Sounds like a busy and fun day!! Hope it was as nice as it sounds. ♥

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