You and Your Resolutions: How to keep your promise.

in #motivation8 years ago

A few days ago, it was the beginning of a new year. Like everything new, it got people very excited and optimistic. A lot of changes were in the works and we were all confident of sticking to our respective "new me". 

Do you keep your promises?

2016 was the year I began to share more of my writings with the world. Before then, my writings were always stored up in various notebooks in my room for my consumption only. One major reason for this was that most of what I wrote seemed way too personal and I didn't feel comfortable letting others read them; especially people close to me. 

My decision to publish my works online helped me adjust my writing style to suit a public audience. It also opened me up to various comments and criticisms but mostly stuff in the guise of "wow! This is good!". 

Praise has a way of getting in your head and making you want to do more so I decided to publish a piece everyday of 2017. I called it Three Six Five Shades (available on Medium) and it was going to be like a journal where I document happenings in my love life throughout the year. 

The first five days were exciting and I was actively sharing links to my posts on every social network I had an account with. This was all good until I began to have this feeling that I was maybe beginning to bug some people. 

This made me feel bad but didn't stop me from still sending out those links. However, by the 10th day, I had stopped sending out links to my posts on everywhere else except Twitter and that's because Twitter seemed less of a disturbance or intrusion. 

I had to keep writing and publishing though and I did just that. It was not even the end of the first month yet and my only resolution for the year was being threatened. 

Now all these go at me wondering why it's difficult to keep at the resolutions we make. Is it because it wasn't really born out of necessity but just out of tradition? 

There will never be enough time to do all we want. This is a fact of life. We do the things we do based on their importance to us. 

So how important are the resolutions you made at the start of the year? The easy way to know this is to check if you're still keeping to them. 

It's because of this reason some people stopped making "new year resolutions". 

I'll say you do what's best for you. It might help to break down your goals into smaller bits. Just like it is with video games, the completion of each level gives enough motivation for the next. You tend to see yourself making progress albeit in small batches. The sense of achievement helps motivate us. 

So the next time you have a giant goal in mind, try to break it down to smaller bits and give yourself a pat on the back every time you complete a task/stage/level/phase. 

Whatever you do, do not chicken out. Keep at it and you'll be better off .


I always promise ONLY if I think I will keep it. Thanks for sharing this awesome post, Fisteganos!

That's the way to go. It is better to then deliver above expectations than to let people down by not achieving what you promised.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Nice to see you writing , it's always difficult to follow up on your promises and being consistent is hard too , I'm procrastinating right now and missing out on posting every day :D

Procrastination looks like the easiest thing to do and always offers comfort. Remembering why you started out in the first place should be enough motivation to keep going. Even that doesn't make it any easier. It takes a strong will to do and I believe you can break out of the procrastination. Hoping to see more of your writings soon.

All the best with all your goals!

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