in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians,
I am pleased to share with you one key I recently unlocked about success.
It's what I termed:



"The best part is that it is hard"

If it were easy, everyone would do it, and it wouldn't be so special. Anything worthwhile in life will not be easy to attain, and that's the best part, because it eliminates the majority, who are unwilling to work for it.
Is it going to be easy? No! Is it going to be hard? Hell yeah... And that's the best part of it. The best part is pushing through the pain. The best part is the challenge.
You need to have goals that seem out of reach, at least goals that are hard to reach. You pushing all the crap in your way to get there. You clawing pass all the demons to get to your goal. You, climbing and climbing to reach to the top of the mountain peak no one thought you could ever reach.

It's you hearing your body say, "No More," and then hearing your mind say, "Shut Up, I got this! I'm in charge today and you're coming with me".

Your body in the gym, and in life can grow with resistance, with struggle and by pushing the limits. By expanding expectations.
In the gym, putting a little more weight on the bar each time, going a little further each time, pushing a little harder each time. In your life, extending your goals a little more each time, learning a little more everyday, pushing the limits of what's possible for you, until you break that barrier you need to break.
Then, you set a bigger goal, a more exciting goal. Add more weight, do more reps. Add a new challenge.


You cannot and you will not grow without challenge. And that's what I mean when I say the best part is that it's hard. That's what separates the average and the great.
The average run from hard. They hide from challenge. The great...they run towards hard. They love the battle and grow from challenge.
Without challenge, life is full and void of meaning. Without pushing yourself in the gym, you will never get any results.

In life, if you don't push yourself, if you don't have clear targets to work toward that requires you to step out of your comfort zone, that makes you uncomfortable, you cannot grow your character and you will not grow yourself.

So, what do you want for your life? Do you want to take the easy road? Or do you want to take the growth road?

Push yourself. Start where you are, with whatever you have, and work towards what you must have. Become obsessed with your targets and when you break through that barrier (give yourself a pat on the back, and then get back to work).

The time to grow is always NOW. Is there anything better in life than growing? No! That feeling... The knowing you pushed yourself to this point... You faced every challenge and you prevail...there's not many better feelings in life.

Discipline is hard work,

Sacrifice is hard work,

Dedication is hard work, and

Relentless is hard work.

stock-photo-the-right-key-325811843.jpg sourced


I see the goal in the distance. It's far away. It's blurry. I don't know how I will get there. I see the obstacles. The challenges. The demons - Blinkers on. I move towards my goal, one challenge at a time I will face, and I will destroy.

I know nothing is stronger than my will. No challenge is too great. No set back is too large. I will get there, if I don't quit. I will never quit. It's the challenge that excites me the most. The growth, the journey, the pain that's a gift from the God's of growth.

Don't back down from a challenge. Destroy it like a warrior.
Destroy that Challenge.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it.

"Get Started"

Most people get so busy making a living that they never get round to designing a life, and they don’t even start pursuing their dreams because they become so overwhelmed with excuses.

Many people are drowning in excuses of why they can’t live their dreams and why they can’t get started on a life that they actually want to live.

The fake life enslaves many people to a life of misery, humans resemble the hamster going round and round on the wheel, doing the same things every single day hoping to make positive strides to a greater life, but are actually getting nowhere in relation to their dreams.

If that is the life that you have given in to then know that you will be betraying yourself to a life that is well below your true potential. It is a crime against yourself to settle for less than you deserve.

Who’s life are you living? Who’s fooled you into living a life of cowardice? And who’s sold you into a life that is not of your own making?

You have to define success on your own terms based on how you want to live your life. The choice is ultimately yours how you live, but many just cower away and resign themselves to a life of mediocrity.

Most people have the capability and potential to live their dreams, but how many choose the path of hard work, sacrifice, discipline, dedication, and service?

You must start on pursuing your dreams, you have nothing to lose, you have the ability to live your dreams, you have the strength and power within you to develop yourself to be the right person and to make your dreams a reality.

Five years on, what does life look like to you? Who’s life are you living? If you’re miserable and in a life of mediocrity it is your own fault because you decided not to start, you decided to invest your time, effort, and actions on entertainment and mediocrity and that is why you are living a life of conformity. You are solely responsible for your life so you must take full responsibility for the results that you get as your results are a reflection of your daily actions.

Every single day matters, and what you do today can change your whole life, every single day you have to be moving in the direction of your dreams or you will be moving in the direction of mediocrity. Time is your greatest resource, so use it well to take your life to greater heights.

Success is a mindset, a behavior, a code of conduct, and a way of life. You have to decide what it is you want and then you have to decide what you are going to have to give up to take your life to a whole new level.

Take a chance on yourself, get started on living your dreams, take one small step in a new direction, you need not the approval of others to get started, all it takes is action. Action is the key to all success in any area of your life. And action is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

You can do it. Don’t be held back in life by the thoughts of failure, be driven by the visions of success, be pulled by your vision of the life that you will be living. Through hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.
The time has arrived for you to get serious about living your dreams. I leave you with this, are you ever going to get started on your dreams? Or are you going to live someone else’s life forever?

Images are from shutterstock

@euronation team is a group of people with common goals and desires. The team was created with the intention to create awareness around steem ecosystem, getting new members on board the program, nurturing as well as mentoring towards excellence and helping them to find strong footing in the program. We guide new members on the ethos of steemit, how they can be creative and come up with amzing ideas and impact the community at large.



Great post! Love your work!

This is really motivational! No single route to success and it is not an easy road as you have rightly noted. Happy to have read this!

Big thanks @euronation for this wonderful piece.

I love this;

You can do it. Don’t be held back in life by the thoughts of failure, be driven by the visions of success, be pulled by your vision of the life that you will be living. Through hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

Thanks to #euronation Team

This is really inspiring
If you are ready to succeed,you should be ready to work

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. We got to work our way to success. Interesting share. Gracias.

Good to see you around brother.

I'm always around. Just low-key sometimes.

Hi @euronation
You have been a source of inspiration to many. If not you, I may not have discovered steemit. If I didn't steemit by now I may not have known many things I learnt in Steemit. Am simply grateful to @eurogee and @euronation

Nice post, success is not meant for lazy people.

Work work work..... Equals success. The place of a lazy man can never be found in the history of success. Thank you @euronation for bringing out the 'work' spirit in me.

I'm determined. We live only once so I'll do what I need to do for my future.thank you !

good post

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