When rejection actually HELPS you stay on your direct path. 🎯

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


Hey, friends. I was not selected to go to cancun.com's next round. So no more dreams of being a Cancun Experience Officer. I've now released the hope of that, with gratefulness for all that it (sustained, public hope) taught me. 😊

It is SO important to me that you not feel like your time was wasted! Your energy was valuable and, in fact, was SO GREAT that it inspired the creation of this nearly 70-person Facebook Group:


I've changed the name of Facebook Group to "Let Others Want With You". We can decide if the group has carried out its purpose, and should dissolve??


...if the idea grew on you a little of having a dedicated place to share what you hope for, without being judged for it...

then we can keep the group active (let's say through the end of January 2018), to see naturally -- from our own (in)activity -- whether or not there'd be value in keeping it alive, and if so:

  • adjusting privacy settings (it's currently public),

  • adding interested Admins, and

  • inviting other friends who are open to, or curious about: Actualization, Manifestation, Visualization and Group Meditation.

Here are 3 strong reasons to re-purpose this group into a Dream Incubator (don't worry, just a nickname, lol):

  1. Flexed muscles get stronger. When and where, in modern life, are you able to flex your hope or dream muscle? I don't know about you, but the "adult world" I spent the majority of my life in, HIGHLY DISCOURAGED such silly talk. The things that joy and delight are MADE OF... got on the ridiculous list of social taboos. Screw that. This group would be a place where castles in the sky CAN be hoped for... AND because other participants in the group are so smart, capable, and grounded, they may even know how to architecturally pull off such a stunt! Or be aware of an emerging technology that makes yesterday's impossibility, today's completed project. (Hellooo, 3D printing, etc.) Innovative minds are odd, and they like to cluster. I would be inviting the innovative, visionary type, and hope you would, too.

  2. Be careful who you bump ideas and visions with. Negative Nellies are great sounding boards AFTER you've at least taken a couple steps into the dream. Get your footing. Explore. Make your own initial decision about whether or not it is a keeper. This group -- especially if set to private -- could be a place for that first stage. And beyond (see #3). A seed-dream is an incredibly precious thing. A dream incubator (again, nickname) gives a new idea, or vulnerable desire A CHANCE... to not be aborted by fear and pessimism.

  3. I didn't "get" the desire I identified, but someone else in the group DID! She faithfully voiced her desire for her perfect home to come to her with ease and grace. I believe by doing that, she attuned herself -- became a perfectly resonant match with -- what she was saying, day after day. The last time I checked with her about the status of her desired home -- the home that we all wanted with her -- she wrote that she is scheduled to move in to her new construction unit in early January! Goooo, Idara!! Anyone who invested in her dream with caring attention WILL FEEL PERSONALLY REWARDED + GRATIFIED BY HER GAIN. Enlarging our circle of voiced wants, to include the wants of others, is a great-feeling practice. It generates good-will inside, and around, you.


I believe most of us have been mangled
in common, and mostly-unidentified, ways.

And by mangled, I mean refined.

Most of us have been refined by the same hands that enjoy
snipping dog ears and tails for cosmetic purposes...

And so is it any wonder how easy it is has become to put those same
butchering hands of 'refinement' on the foreskin of perfectly made penises...
or upon forests, to make paper the slow way, and strip malls the quick way...
or upon our bodies with food free of nutrition, and medicine free of healing.

If we really considered the tragedies that have accompanied our poodle-like
refinement, I believe we would just immediately hug each other so tightly...

C'mon over here. SQUEEZE!!

Petty offenses. Grand offenses. Generational offenses.

They could all take up much less space inside us...

which makes room for -- yup -- what you actually want.

Which brings us back to THE GROUP. Consider participating.

If you voted for me even once, Thank you so much for your support!! 💋

And if you were one of the many angels who went above and beyond...

with repetitive voting, post-sharing, creative commenting, skittle-lizing the group wall with gorgeous color, and beautiful signs of support that encouraged me more than I can adequately say...

I will always remember how strongly you came through for me. Thank you, with all my heart! 💗


Well they are entitled to make mistakes; anyway, whenever I think of Cancun I will see your smiling face. Hope all goes well on your new ventures.

Aw, what a super-sweet and consoling thing for you to say, @beginningtoend! THANK YOU. For your support then, and your kindness now. 💗 ::big.hug::

I can say, although sad for your disappointment. Glad that you will remain here in Acaulco and certainly glad to hear your words loud and clear. We are indeed in need of being allowed to dream big out loud. We have so much potential unrealized.

I do believe it would be better to not be a public group but to encourage those who we see could use the environment to grow out of their "refinements". I know I'd be willing to spend some time and honestly I'd like to encourage some brainstorming events where people could get together in various ways to discuss and encourage each other as well as share and develop new ideas.

Thanks so much for finding the silver lining! It might just turn out to be better than gold!

@mikeonfire: You get it... to our unrefinement! lol Thanks for confirming my hunch that closed would feel better. It's closed now. And I'd love to add you as an Admin if you want? Always up for brainstorming and heartstorming. Hopefully, it'll be one of many collaborations there!

You are such an inspiration! Xoxo😊

Funny... that's exactly how I feel about YOU, and your ART! Thanks for reaching with me. 💗 xo

You Won @erikaharris you are here on STEEMIT many others have not gotten here yet. I know that anyone that is Here Now will prosper even more when the new People discover the Best Platform on the Internet !!

This post has received gratitude of 0.50 % from @appreciator thanks to: @lily-da-vine.

THANKS, @lily-da-vine!! 💗 Much appreciated, amiga. xo

What I have learned (thanks hindsight!) after things haven't turned out as I had desired, or anticipated, is quite often things develop into a profoundly better situation. And one that I could never had planned for, nor seen coming.

I hope this episode turned out that way for you also.

I think the Facebook group/page is well worth keeping, if not there, then somewhere else, or multiple incarnations of it. It's a wonderful idea, and it should be allowed to spread.

I tried to vote for you every day!

You are such a beautiful person. I know that your current/next chapter is going to be a sweet journey of light.

I've cut myself off of Facebook completely for health reasons, but being a part of your group is the most tempted I've been to get back on!

Lucky me though! I get to see you in person in about 6 weeks!

I'm looking forward to seeing the next part of your story.

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