Always say a prayersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation6 years ago


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War cries from the north to the south…
Bombs dropping from the east to the west…
He has no clothes for his skin and no food for his mouth…
He was torn from his mother’s breast; he sleeps yet no rest…
Oh how he has become a father and a mother to himself…
Not even a brother or a sister… he suffers by himself.
He runs more than his legs can carry…
Yet he can’t stop when his legs get weary.
Say a prayer for the boy without a father or mother…
Say a prayer for a boy born in times of war.
She was born with no silver spoon…
Her parents think she is of the devil.
For every mistake she makes, she is doomed…
As they descend on her as if she were cattle…
Wounds and scars are her only adornments…
She carries them with so much pain and torments…
They curse her and never say well about her
And she is treated far worse than a prisoner.
Say a prayer for the girl who has known no cares…
Say a prayer for a girl who is free but imprisoned.
It’s a boy! It’s a boy! The midwives shouted…
Yes indeed he will be a hero… he will be a saviour.
He was on his great quest until the man with the collar came.
He waved bye to the community but hoped to return someday…
“I will return and save my people”, he said. How little he knew.
Come my son; the man with the collar would say…
With tears in his eyes he would say no, yet to no avail…
His body was defiled, his spirit crushed and his soul corrupted,
Say a prayer for the boy who wanted to be a hero…
Say a prayer for the saviour who needs to be saved.
It is the hustle… that is what they tell her every day.
She was once bright... she was the local star and shone far…
Until the lady from the city came and said she wants to help…
The family rejoiced, she rejoiced that she’d shine brighter.
Oh she had dreams… but her realities were nightmares.
Use what you have to get what you want; the lady said…
Her body was now a good for sale with a bad price tag.
No more starlight…no more dreams…just nightmares.
Say a prayer for the girl whose dreams never came true…
Say a prayer for the girl who was a star but fallen.
For better and for worse… for richer and for poorer…
She said her vows and was prepared for the happily ever after.
The first child came, the second, the third, fourth and so on…
He should be happy… “But they are just useless girls”, he said.
And each passing day, she would suffer for no reason…
She is slapped, beaten, disrespected and defiled…
Still he was not contented and so he sent her out shamefully.
Yet she endures because she loves her children.
Say a prayer for the woman who committed no crime but is punished.
Say a prayer for the woman who is a mother, for better and for worse.

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The airplane united the world long before the telephone did. Quickly we went from amazement of traveling the skies to conflict amidst the stars. I grew up with long distance telephone calls but the generation before me did not.

Today we have humanity's intelligence at our fingertips. And yet, you hit the nail on the head in describing the suffering of those forced to live amidst a pre-feudal system of (if it can be called) civilization.

A prayer indeed. May God bless those suffering today as they did before the birth of Jesus Christ. And may God bless your efforts.

A prayer indeed. May God bless those suffering today as they did before the birth of Jesus Christ. And may God bless your efforts.


Amazing, i love this

You are welcome dear

Your poems are fantastic.
Deep and touching

Thank you very much

This is the craziest poem I've ever read in this month, I've already screeshot this. This can go for a poem for those UN, WHO or an NGO theme poem or motto, you're very impressive bro and touching.

Please say a prayer for us too
Toil each day into the late moon
Minnows asslickers, intergrity gone
Hopes one day have a house
But each day labour is far from it.

The lines you added are funny

Totally Amazing

Heart Touching .., Reality that we have to accept .,great poem

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