All Fingers Are EQUAL!

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

I can guess you are thinking... no way,has he gone blind? 😁😁😁 well lets look at the function of each finger.
[image source]>quote()
The primary function of the thumb is the ability to grasp things
The index finger is good at fine movements, that's why its used to hold and write with a pencil
The middle finger is the biggest and strongest, its mostly used in pushing things
The ring finger's function is to support the other four fingers.
The pinky finger functions as the other fingers, except that its position gives it a bit more range of motion to the side, which makes it useful for any movement where the hand is rotating to the side.

Now to the main gist,there is something you might have noticed from my description,which is all the 5 finger's have unique value to offer to the fulfillment of the purpose of the hand, without which the full potential of the hand cannot be utilized, no one finger is better than the other, or greater than the other, because they all have a unique value to add,they are all great in their different functions . Imagine if the thumb says it's not going to function because its not as big and strong as the middle finger? The hand will lose its capability to grasp.

When you look at the world its the same picture you see that's the way most of us are, unlike the hand which has 5 fingers, we are are on a hand which is made of 8 billion fingers, of different,colours, races, sizes, shapes and heights. This hand is the world we live in, we were all created with unique value to add to the world we live in, without which the world cannot be at its best, we were not born just to make a living, we are here to fulfill an assignment, (just like the thumb exist to grasp) which when fulfilled, makes you great and invaluable and the world a better place, you were created with a special gift that you and only you have, discover it and offer it to the world, your greatness, your wealth and fulfillment are all tied to the discovery of your purpose. Thank you

This is an introductory post to the other 6 posts i will be making daily this week, to guide you in determining the true purpose and function you were born to fulfill,because until the purpose of a thing is known it can never reach its true potential, and i know it is your desire to live to the maximum,being as successful and fulfilled as possible.

[image source]


Brilliant article. Kudos bro

Opened my eyes eheh

I am glad I could open your eyes,thanks for read

Spot on sir
I can't wait to see the rest

Hehehe, my brother

This is.....brilliant!!
Steem on

So are you,i have gone through your blog, its dope

I learnt something
I'll post about it soon

Soon, sooner, soonest😂😂

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