Understanding the Fear to Succeed.

in #motivation7 years ago

Today I'll be writing on a very worrysome problem which makes people doubts their inner strength and capabilities.
The great 'psychologist' Will Shakespeare summed it up pretty well four hundred years ago: "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the fight we often might win by fearing to attempt." He could have been talking to many of us.

Fearing failure to the point that we don't even try something prevents us from ever truly knowing what we might just be capable of.

Fear of failure has some connection to fear of rejection and criticism from others, as well as to procrastination. You can always create an excuse not to do anything, no matter how potentially valuable and rewarding. It's just whether you choose to believe those excuses.
The trouble sets in when you know you aren't really satisfied with the way things are, but you think that trying to improve things is just too big a risk -
Of course it might, at times, be more sensible to fear the consequences of failure and therefore not try. Only an idiot thinks that one rule "it's better to try than to not even attempt" applies to all circumstances. If I'm blind drunk , I might assume I can drive my car perfectly well; that's when I actually need a hefty dose of self-doubt.Why is it that some folk are so entangled by fear of failure that they seldom, if ever, test their potential?

One of the reason why we fear failure could be closely related to perfection.we feel we are so good in a particular thing to the extent that when we fail on first attempt we feel frustrated and humiliated and consequently don't feel the need to get back up and fight.
To succeed, we must be prepared and able to fail. strangely, successful people may be just as comfortable with failure as they are with success.
The second reason of fear of failure is the misinterpretation of self-confidence. Truly confident people aren't the ones who are certain they'll succeed; they're the ones who know they'll handle failure if it comes.
Another reason could be that they might have been embarrassed by an actual or perceived failure and felt traumatized by this to the extent that they now fear to try anything new.
Also, they may ignorantly assume that success always happens without many failed attempts along the way (we all see the relative success of people, but we don't see the hidden part of their story) They want success without risk or difficulty.

To wrap it all up remember that once upon a time, when you were tiny, you didn't fear failure because 'failure' was something that you hadn't yet learned as an idea. Part of the trick in overcoming paralyzing fear of failure is to return to some of that innocence and forget about 'failure' and 'success'; just enjoy the process of seeing how far you can take something. This is what happens when people flow into 'the zone' in which all thoughts of past or future disappear into one timeless moment of pure present focus.


The fear of failure keeps many from ever finding out.

true bro, and it has made us sink deep into our comfort zone, we need to do something about it.

To succeed in life requires a great deal of hard work,consistence,patience and prayer...failure starts when you stop working and believing in yourself.

I need to jot it....nice work

Wow... Funny enough, I read a related book yesterday... Fear of failure would always make us never try

Hmmm this always happen to me. Especially when i try it once and if it didn't work out.thanks

Interesting blog

Fear is a terrible thing, once it consumes u, there is a problem

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