5 Top Secrets Of Successful People

in #motivation6 years ago

Every day I have more happiness and this happiness is called work. We are talented creatures who have unlimited sources of creative energy, the point is to unlock our power of imagination because with it we can create new worlds. We are captured with our beliefs in the state that keeps us in isolation of personal talents. Why successful people get what they want and everyone else is waiting for a moment of happiness that never comes. The right moments are happening 24 hours a day, that is the development that leads us from goal to goal. We have a genius idea many times, but it can not be performed, we think we're screwed, but that's not true. All we need for our success in life is already in our possession. If we know how to organize ourselves, then we expect the days of a brilliant career. Wealth is a success, we only have different levels of wealth that we need to achieve (spiritual, material, physical, emotional).

-1. The power of knowledge and the constant of learning always gives excellent results.
I know a very large number of people who are grounded, but unfortunately, they have not become successful in life. They are people who live in fear of failure, like to be noticed in society as experts, but do not have the courage to apply knowledge because they are afraid of failure. The fear of failure and the fear of rejection are the two most powerful Democrats who keep us in prison. We have learned in the family and at school that making mistakes is the wrong thing, but in fact only misses and errors lead us to the top. When I say constant learning, I think that the constant application of knowledge in practice. Errors are normal, and those who are most successful have the most errors in life. Apply each strategy you know immediately, that is the essence of the right knowledge because it is measured with the results that come as a process of making mistakes.

-2. Live in harmony with your values.
Your values are the cause of all the activities and results you achieve in your life. First, you need to see what your personal values you believe in, then make a list of priorities and live by them. The list can be health and energy, love, happiness and joy, creativity, adventure, education of people, moral decision, harmonic relations etc. It is important to set your values according to priorities and to make the balance that fills you. When you live in harmony with your values you should not make exceptions because it will take you away from enthusiasm and positive energy. I do not want to do something that I can regret, let it be your star guide. Happiness is the inner state of our being, the only way we can feel nice when we work in accordance with our inner values. Values ​​are the basis on which we build the entire building of our life's success and prosperity.

-3. The beliefs determine our direction and destiny.
We build beliefs from our childhood, if we think a little deeper, we can see that there are other representations of the world than we have in our head. The world is just and unjust, depending on our filter through which we are watching.
When we change our beliefs, we change the perception of the world, we are the only person who needs to change if we want our world to change. Our emotions are related to our beliefs, it is very important to see more dimensions that can replace our existing reality. Changes are inevitable because this is the only way to advance. We are happy to the extent that we fulfil our expectations, make a balance in the new world you create and which depends exclusively on you.

-4. Habits determine our character, and our character determines our destiny.
Habits are a subconscious thing, it's the same as when we drive a car and we no longer think about the actions that are needed to get from place A to place B. First we need to see what our bad habits are (cursing, late sleep, laziness, exaggerated eating, excuses etc). To change one habit or make another instead bad habit, we need 21 days. Of course, it's important that we connect our bad habit with the pain that awaits us if we continue to live with the same bad habit.
Also connect the establishment of a new habit with something nice, as this creates new neural connections in the brain.
The more often you repeat the same action you increase and strengthen your neural connection, it is very difficult to break bad habits such as smoking. Once you establish a rhythm of successful changes, then there is no limit that you can not overcome.

-5. Change mindset, flexibility is the greatest virtue of success.
We are inclined to use the same way of thinking to solve various problems. New challenges are needed for new and challenging ways of thinking, so it's important to be open to new information and knowledge. Ego tells us that we are the smartest in the world, maybe that's right, but I'm sure there are a lot of smarter people, ideas and projects that I know them now. Put the ego on the ground, listen to and learn from other people. Only people with an open mind have the power to change their lives and the whole world. When you study the lives of the right leaders, you will see that they have all five components that work harmoniously. Steemit is a real workshop of ideas and prestige, you can find different types of people with different values ​​and beliefs. It is important that we begin to work with ourselves because every day is very valuable and we do not need to waste time on nonsense. Let each moment be dedicated to your growth, be constant in achieving your goals and life mission.


See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Steem Schools


Fear of failure & rejection is hurdle to my success too. I suffer from such problems. thanks for focusing it. it will help to reset my psychology.

Even though I'm a new Steemian, I'm very picky on who I follow, but I'm glad to be following you sir. Once people see how positive and uplifting Steemit can be because of leaders like @dobartim, I'm sure that it will be bigger than Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Nice tips, thank you :)

this piece is awesome.. Thank you @dobartim for always sharing.. Please, I'm still a rookie here.. Whats the steemit school all about and how can i partake or enroll?

thank u.jpg

You are welcome

"Unleash our power of imagination" interesting words, for me that implies real effort and studies. Not all of us can develop that capacity, but I think that if we try, we can achieve something

I think that happiness does not depend on success or money, depends on the spiritual values that we are able to manifest every day of our life and I think that is what you mean when you advise living in harmony with our values.

I admire his creativity, his power of imagination and his good will. Greetings friend.

a very good motivation, it's a valuable lesson, thank you @dobartim have shared with us

I am glad you like it

I also love being able to read the writing of yours, so I follow you, and apologize for not be able to vote, the vp of my weak

I can not find my talents, maybe I will not be successful 😢

Look deeper

thanks for the motivation, i will try it.

Our talents or gifts could be as subtle as our communication skills, our looks and physique and so on. Things that you may not even know that they are talents. so, pay attention to yourself and look deeper as @dobartim suggested. we all have something.

A good communication skill could make you an outstanding negotiator, consultant or even a motivational speaker. Looks could either make you an outstanding model or actor and so on.. Never compare yourself with other people as we are all unique and possess unique talents. discover yours and there'd be no greater joy as talent should also be something you enjoy doing that is when combined with passion.

See you on the top

Danke schön 💗

You are welcome

My father loves work. He just retired from the Post Office, only to get a paper route. Now he is up at 4am...gotta love him!! Lol
I think he'd check out if it wasn't for work.

I love your posts by the way. Keep em comin!!
I like your writing style and topics. :)

If we dont fail, we will never changed. Growing up I thought, as soon as you graduated in College or had your masteral, you will be fine. You' ll be successful.

But that is just the beginning. We must have first, we acquired knowledge then we must have discipline to achieve our goals and fulfilled our mission. We always have a choice. All bad habits and excuses are created by our own free will.

Thank you for sharing another wisdom and knowledge, sir @dobartim. I am grateful to you.
Bless you and your family.

#We WIN Together

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