While it is a good thing to have tall dreams, it is even better to understand that the fulfilment of these dreams sometimes slithers like a millipede, and sometimes it is quick. but whichever be our case, we should always move on — undeterred and patient.
patience is a butterfly. a larva in beautiful uncomeliness perched on the brown of a tree, seeing in its mind's eye colorful patterned wings. it is a pupa shroud in green cocoon leaning on walls of comfortable silence, taunted daily by obscurity as it waits for the salvation of time.
we should be like a butterfly — a fuzzy caterpillar pregnant with flamboyant wings.
So as we trudge to that greatness we earnestly seek, let's see the importance in little wins; in those successes we would rather consider trivial. Because they, in their own little way, show us that we may be getting something right.
We cannot be satisfied with them. No, we cannot. But we value them. They reflect our capacity; they make us more visible. And although, we see others claiming the big wins — that spotlight we desire — these little successes are our comfort. Because we are also a step ahead of others, no matter how tiny the gap is
And sometimes, when these little wins do not even come, we keep working out and pressing on, because our pains, someday, will birth our muscles. The muscles that show our strength.
Although Sometimes, it's okay to be tired of this thing called life. Why wouldn't you be when you've been bludgeoned with many issues you have no answers to; issues that wouldn't just go away no matter how hard you shove? But this is what you should do when you're tired: Rest. Recharge. Catch your breath.
You will win. Know this, you will win.