Are You Feeling Like the Train or the Track Today

in #motivation6 years ago


When it comes to work life, there are some days where you have everything figured out, and other days where you feel like you lost in the woods. It is crazy how one day can vary compared to the next.

Some days you feel like the train, while some days you feel like the track.

Some days you feel like the greatest, while some days you feel worthless.

Some days you are invincible, some days you are the punching bag.

Some days you can’t lose, some days you can’t win.

Some days you can’t feel the pain, some days you can’t get off the mat.

Whether you feel like you are on top of the world, or stuck in the dog house, work on staying positive and pushing through while doing your best. I frequently use acronyms around the office and some of my favorites are TCOB (take care of business), MIH (make it happen), and FIO (figure it out). When people are feeling positive, encouraged and empowered, the whole company wins.

BTW, today I felt like the track… 😝😝😝 Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!



We must learn gratitude for all life chances and patience for their difficulties to find our happiness
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

Our lives are full of changes and diversity of pros and cons. The situation we live in is what determines what we feel, but it is always better to do the right things, whatever happens, to leave a good effect for us. We will reap the good whatever the situation is full of negative ، I am convinced by the saying that the pros erase the negatives ، good luck my dear friend @brain.rrr 👍😃
All the best for you 👍😃😉👋😊

Excellent words my friend @brian.rrr, you have a lot of reason and I understand you perfectly, since I am also always the same. I think that happens to all of us, because I do not think that every day things turn out well or they always feel like the train. Personally, much happens to me as much as in steemit that there are days when I do good publications because I'm activated and more ideas come to me, as there are also days when I feel and I do not have 100% thoughts, either because I'm tired or something else. It also happens a lot when I play basketball every day, there are days when I go like the train, I win lots of games and I make many balls, like there are days when I go like the track, I feel slow, heavy and tired and Of course I do not earn much. This is life, there are good days and bad days, what we have to do is take advantage of those good days in which we feel the best, and when those bad days are, try to take advantage of them as much as we can even if we do not go well. things. Always with a positive mind and think about doing good. Thanks for such good words, your post motivates us to keep going.

I am feeling soo good today.
The market is really recovering and could be a way to a new all time high for most cryptos wooooow.
This is what makes me feel good indeed.

Excellent publication brother, you know it's good to continue with good mood as the train so always keep in mind that whatever happens try to be optimistic. Greetings.

One way i try to set myself up for being the train, is a good solid morning routine of stretching, workout, and meditation.

or sometimes maybe nothing, but knowing what i truly needing in that moment.

wow yesterday I wrote an exam and trust me I felt like a train, thought I had my shit togetjer until the exam started. well today am staying positive

So, it is part of life I think and you are right there are days where everything goes well in your work but there are days where everything comes down and I think it is because we are imperfect we make mistakes we just have to get up and solve things

The good thing is that we have other days to continue and make everything better, often not only happens with work but your life can sometimes go well at work but badly in another aspect but tomorrow is another day, you have a good night

Everything you write is true there are good days and not so good, today my day started well so I felt like a train and I think now I feel like the track but tomorrow will be another day @brian.rrr

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