New Years Wishes Has Come & Gone, Here's Some Great Advice to Carry You Through!

in #motivation8 years ago

Some advice to live by.

Now that all the good wishes of the new year has come and gone, I would like to give you some advice that I try to follow myself:

  • If you ever feel the need for acceptance, remember to be accepted while being something you are not does not allow for you to be accepted, it only allows people to accept who they think you are. Be yourself, and live life true to yourself. It takes courage but it is worth it. You can not always be who people expect you to be.

  • Thinking back on life you will find that a truth can be found in the saying “One regrets more the things that he didn’t do than the things that he did” Everyone makes mistakes, we are only human after all, own your mistakes and the fact that they have led you to where you are now, take from it lessons and move on. You can not undo the past, but you can change whether those mistakes define you or teach you.

  • Stop swimming oceans for the ones in your life that would not even jump a puddle for you. We sometimes put people in a space of priority in our lives when we are nothing but an option to them. If they do not add meaning to our lives, and more than that can not see our true value, we need to let go. If they can not see our value then they certainly do not deserve the time we take trying to prove it to them.

  • Not everything in life is personal, not everything is an attack on you. The person that is most judgmental on you, and thinks about you the most; IS YOU! “You’d worry less about what people think about you if you knew how seldom they do.” David Foster Wallace

  • Life is all about choices! Choose to be happy. The moods that you radiate is contagious Share Love Share Happiness Share Positivity** Think of them as seeds that you hold in your hand, you can choose which seeds you would like to sew, and the seeds that you sow is what inevitably will grow in your garden of life. Also, you never know what battles the next person is fighting, being kind is the least you could do.

  • “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” Ernest Hemingway. No one is superior to anyone else, always be considerate of others. “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” Sirius Black And never miss the opportunity to show someone how you truly feel, how much you care, and how much you value & appreciate them, there might never be another opportunity, embrace the here and now.

  • Random acts of kindness has a way of paying itself forward, if you are gonna make a wave, make sure it starts with the right ripples!

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Life is indeed about choices.

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