How To Fill Your Life With Adventure !

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

You do not have to go on holiday or do some fantasy to experience the exciting feelings associated with adventure. Here are some simple ways that you can create it in your life every day:

Try or learn something new on a regular basis: Novelty is undoubtedly one of the best ways to break the day-to-day work. New endeavors stimulate your mind and create new neural pathways in your brain. You can explore new turf by simply taking a different route to work or exposing yourself to a variety of music, books, art and movies. You can break out of your usual weekend haunts and try going somewhere that’s unknown to you. As long as you are willing to leave your comfort area and follow your curiosity to leave the precious wealth, these possibilities are endless.

Work on your passion projects: Each of us possess hidden talents, skills, ideas and thoughts that reflect our interests. This comprises of activities that get you excited and which you daydream about. It doesn’t necessarily have to be linked with what you do for a living. It could be a hobby, such as playing an instrument, or a home project, such as building a new kitchen, or a business idea to start your own bakery, or starting a book club for avid readers. Allow your mind to wander as you explore your options and pay close attention to anything that electrifies you and you’re keen on learning more about.

Get curious about people and their personal stories: Everyone in the world has an interesting story that’s worth sharing and is capable of teaching us something valuable. Imagine if all of us can come close to an open person to listen to their stories and learn more about their lives and personal beliefs. We would have the privilege to access different life paths and traverse unique journeys through the stories and advice that others share with us. We also get in touch with our humanity, as we learn about the challenges and difficulties that people face, which might inspire us to search for ways that we can contribute towards causes that alleviate those problems. For example, when you speak with victims of abuse, you get a close-up of the visceral pain that they face, which can spur you on to support them.

Adopt a big picture perspective: To see your life as an adventure, you’ll have to be willing to adopt a big picture perspective. This helps you look beyond the limited parameters of a superficial and material existence. When you have a birds-eye view of your life, you can take a more objective approach towards your life and see it from a symbolic point of view. Like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, we all have to walk down that yellow brick road to reach the Emerald City of enlightenment and higher possibilities. I suggest developing a story about the subject of empowerment, characters and narrative of your life, and let it motivate you to become the hero of your own journey.

You were born with an adventurous spirit, capable of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. You can now thrive by doing something to light your stuff. Brené Brown once said, “We’re wired to be brave; that’s why we never feel more alive than when we’re being courageous.” So tap into your courage to Go out and explore the vast world!

All my best on your journey


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