Try And Fail, There Is No Shame In That
Don't wait act now
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Seth Godin
What pick yourself means is that it's never been easier to decide to be responsible for your own work, for your own agenda, for the change you make in the world. To have a chance to matter. Not to be finished right now, but starting now. Pick yourself means we should stop waiting and whining and stalling. The outcome is still in doubt, but it's clear that waiting just doesn't pay.
There is every tendency that when you try something new for the first time, you will fail. One thing is certain, you have successfully learn from that experience, a way that it won't work.
You have everything you need to make an impact in the world. You don't even have to start your own business. What you need is something you can emotionally and deeply connect with.
Don't think too far into the future. Use what you have right now at where you are because whatever you choose to do, there are resources out there that can help you achieve your goals in simple steps. If you're thinking about it too much, chances are you're killing it.
Ensure to learn from that mistake
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John Quincy Adams
Try and fail, but don't fail to try
It's never easy to admit you've made a mistake, but it's a crucial step in learning, growing, and improving yourself. You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you've made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself), you distance yourself from any possible lesson.
But if you courageously stand up and honestly say "This is my mistake and i am responsible" the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress accelerates when they do...
We need to learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating them. We must develop the wisdom and sense to make good decisions and choices.
Good judgement will only develop if you truly learn from your mistakes.
Everything we are exposed to in life presents us with another valuable lesson.
Not only can you learn from your own experiences, but also the experiences of the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes these can serve as the most meaningful lessons since it allows you to observe behaviors from an objective standpoint.
It normal to feel shameful about an error you have made, but you cannot hide in denial. If you do that, your progress will only be hindered.
There is probably no better example of persistence than the story of Abraham Lincoln. He failed in business at 21, lost a legislative race at 22, failed in business again at 24 and lost a congressional race when he was 34. At 45 he lost a senatorial race. And he failed in attempt to become Vice President when he was 47.
But he was finally elected President of the United States at age 52. Lincoln never quit. He could have given up after several attempts but pursued his ambition to assume the highest office in America.
Olivier Wilkins
Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.
Go get that goal. It's not bigger than you.