Just Gotta Have Fun/Small Steps - A Quest for Magick #2

Fellow Steemians,

Let us be glad, let us be grateful, let us be… okay I’m done now… I was looking for this one GIFs or memes, so you’d get my reference, alas I couldn’t find it.

Ah well, in light of the stressful couple of weeks I’ve had, I’ve been working my butt off, trying to find a way or ways for me to afford to continue doing comic cons and creating great stuff for you all. However, I wasn’t going anywhere besides crazy and a whole lot more stressed.


So, I decided to take a break and shift gears for a bit. I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to do the same, and maybe play some Warcraft (World of Warcraft, not the Nintendo-esque game also by Blizzard), since he’s in a similar boat. It felt really good to make that shift because sometimes you just have to let loose, be silly and have some fun!


As the title suggests, the other thing I want to mention is about goal setting. Try starting out small and having milestones for yourself. The key here is to set goals that you believe are attainable in the here and now (or in a relatively short amount of time), so that you don’t feel overwhelmed and defeated. For example, (this may seem a little strange to you but bear with me), when I started this post, my goal was to plug my computer back in.

Told ya, was strange, but let me explain. My camera/mic wasn’t in reach, so when I went to grab it, I knocked out my power cord. I use a program which is a mash up of word prediction and speech recognition software called WordQ/SpeakQ, to type stuff; hence why I needed my microphone. I find it rather useful because it’s the only program that forgives my speech impairment.

Anyways, I digress, back to my goal. Due to my lack of dexterity, it’s kinda hard to manipulate the cord to get it on the right angle to put it in the port. However, I did it once before, so I thought that there was a chance I could do it again. Furthermore, since it takes me awhile to type out these posts, I didn’t want to risk the battery dying.


So, let’s bring this full circle, I set out to discover ways of maximizing my income, however, that’s a pretty lofty goal, which was stressing me out. I took a break, had some fun, which led me to the realization that I need to pace myself and start creating milestones. Does that make sense?

‘Til next time!

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