Good intentions are not enough

Hello there, welcome to your favorite blog, @airhawk-project. @mr-aaron is here with another dose of Monday motivation to start your week with.
Last week, I heard two guys living in the same block with me discussing a lot of things. One thing that caught my attention was when one of them said he will learn how to build Android apps and start developing several useful apps. This is a good thing to do actually because this guy has good intentions - building good apps - but is this enough?

This was not the first time I will hear him say such. He always has a lot of things on his wish list. Apart from building this app he has also said a lot of things before now, he always has a lot of things he wishes to do.

He wants to become the president of Nigeria. He once said he wants to become the vice chancellor of his school. He also said he would like to do research on several topics which I think is more than 10 topics now.

It's a good thing when we have plans to do many wonderful things. But are good intentions enough?

If good intentions will build houses, I would be living in the biggest Mansion Now. If good intentions will buy a car, I would own one of the best rides in town. If good intentions give us the best grade in school, so many of us would have graduated as First Class students. But I have come to realize that good intention are nothing but mere wishes. Good intentions are nothing but mere dreams we have that has no evidence in the real world.

Have you ever heard this saying, "actions speak louder than words"? This is true in this case.
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There is a story of a man called Jacob in the Bible. He had 12 sons and one of them was Joseph whom he loved so much. The other brothers hated him for the obvious reason - his father gave him more attention than he gave to them. They planned to kill him on a particular day but Reuben, the eldest brother, intervened that they should just lock him up somewhere while they think of a better thing to do. He went out and the other brothers sold their brother into slavery.
It was already late when Reuben came back. Joseph had become a slave in Egypt. He also had good intentions but good intentions are not enough, action speaks louder than voice.
Be careful of those who have good intentions but don't back it up with the corresponding action. Be careful of yourself if you are one of them too because you can become a threat to yourself.

Think of the mistake we've made each time we vote people to power because of their good intentions. When we think good intentions can bring change, we end up voting the wrong people to come to power.

We can all be daydreamers sometimes, this is good because that's how humans are created. But we have to be careful that good intentions are not just all we have.

Thank you for taking your time to read through. I remain your motivator - @mr-aaron. Don't forget to follow @airhawk-project to get the latest update. You can also join the largest Telegram group for steemit here


Thank you for sharing that this priceless information

Many people have a "head in the clouds" attitude when it comes to their dreams. I am one of those people. Of course when I joined Steemit I thought that maybe one day I could do it full time. I realize that its going to be a ton of hard work, but I am going to give it my best shot. I think that dreams propel us to do better, but we need to be as equally willing to do the work. Thanks for the motiviation!

Thanks @emmyem84 for reading. I'm glad you found it useful...

This is what i called "dominated." We can say we live in dominion only when what we wish comes to pass. Nothing ever come to pass if you refuse to do sth about it. You are the one to bring it to pass.

Yeah, we are the ones to bring it to pass...

Good intentions are not enough....
Have learnt so much from this post..
You too much..

Thanks for sharing this

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