Motivation Monday with @mr-aaron

Welcome to the @airhawk-project blog. Today is another Monday and here is another perfect post to start your week with. This post is to make you go fearless as you engage in your activities for the week.

Humans happen to be a unique creature from God with a lot of similarities. They have a lot of things in common; From two eye, two hands, two legs, two ears, a nose, a mouth, etc. If you're still wondering what else humans have in common, check out yourself and observe anything you have on you. Humans also have the attribute of FEAR. We all have it in us whether we are black, white, man, woman, adult or a small child. We all have, at least, an iota of fear in us.

There is actually nothing like a fearless man because every man is fearful. Maybe the difference is that all humans have their specific fear. A fearless soldier in battle may not be a fearful soldier when he sees insects. The soldier may be myrmecophobic (having an unexplainable fear of ants).

Fear is not a bad thing on its own because it is one of the mechanisms whereby humans have evolved to the present state they are. Fear helps us to be aware of a threat and avoid it totally. Fear helps to remind us not to go into a fast moving current of water to swim. Fear tells us this is poison. It tells us don't drink it you will die.

Fear is inevitable in one's life but there comes a stage where fear becomes too much and at this stage, FEAR is something that should be feared. I'm sure by now you're thinking of the several fears you have. Don't worry, this post will help you overcome them.

What causes fear

I had a great time discussing what fear is with some of my friends yesterday and I asked each one of them what makes them become fearful. Why are they always afraid of what are they afraid of?
I had a lot of amazing responses which I'll like to share.

Our thoughts and imaginations

Have you ever been left alone in a dark room and your thoughts start playing his tricks on you? Maybe the moving curtain starts to look like a ghost to you. Or you are left alone to walk home on a lonely street at night, and your imagination starts playing dangerous scenes to you. These thoughts and imaginations are not real. They are all in our heads but one of the main reasons why people are always afraid.
When next you're scared of the dark, mind your imagination and you will see that the only thing out there is all in your head.

Our belief about things in life

Some people believe that once a person dies, their spirit roams about for a while before they finally go away. People with such beliefs are usually disturbed when their loved ones or someone they know closely dies. They usually hear strange voices and strange movements around. They are fearful because of their beliefs about life.


Another friend narrated how she failed a simple exam because of doubts that she can never pass the exam. She believes that no matter how much she reads she'll never understand the course. She doubted herself and each time she picks her book to read, the motivation to read flies away from her like a bird released from a cage. Are you fearful? You should check your life, you may be a doubtful person.


Nothing hurts us so much about our expectations especially when they don't come to pass. There are several expectations we all have. We all want to have good grades in school. We all expect promotions in our workplace. We all expect to write an article and be in the trending section for some days. We all have so many expectations. Expectations can make us become fearful because we do not know what tomorrow holds. We don't know if we'll get what we want.
Don't let your expectations of the future steal your joy of the present. Be expectant but be careful when it makes you become fearful.

Things we hear

There was a day my mum once called me while in school asking if I'm alright. I was surprised because she has never called me like that before. I could hear the fear in her voice as she speaks. She heard that there was a riot in my school but the truth is that the riot is happening in the same place where my school is but not in my school. She has become fearful because of the thing she heard.
Don't listen to everyone when they complain you never can tell if what they are saying is true. Don't kill yourself over what you hear.

Our friends and relationships.

I once read it in the Bible that those who walk with the wise shall also become wise. So I think I will be right to say those who walk with the fearful shall become fearful. The friends you keep can make you become fearful. If they are friends who fret at every news they hear you will soon become like them. They will make you become a fearful person yourself.
When next you are fearful, check their friends you walk with. If they are fearful too, then you need to change your friends. Well with the bold and you will also be bold.

What fear causes

I can't tell you everything fear causes because, for each person, the reaction may be different. Some may have goosebumps when they are afraid. I've seen asthmatic patients have attack when they are frightened. But here are some of the thing fear causes for most people.


I've never seen a thing that takes away sleep as fear. People spend several nights staying awake thinking about the things they fear the most. This fears appears to them at night like demons and stop them from sleeping. Lack of sleep is dangerous to our health and so is fear.

Sickness and ill health

Exam period in school is always associated with an increase in the population of sick students on the sick bed in the school clinic. Students become scared when they hear it's examination time. They are scared of what their results will look like. They are scared because they don't know what questions will come out. They are just scared of so many unnecessary things.

Sadness and depression

I don't need to say much about this. But fearful people are always sad and they are never far from depression. They are easily provoked and they don't usually with people.
If you don't want to live a sad life, you should definitely work on your fears.

Lack of concentration

I've never seen a fearful and concentrated individual. Fear and concentration cannot be in one man. When you are scared, your attention span becomes shortened. You are easily carried away by other things.
Lack of concentration is such a bad thing you wouldn't want, right? So stay away from fear.

How to overcome fear

I think this will be the most important part of this post because there is no point talking about fear without talking about how to avoid it or overcome it.

Engaging in power of positive declaration

I used to have this stage fright because I'm scared of seeing the crowd. I always run away when I have to face the crowd but this changed when I discover the power in positive declarations. I will often say to myself "I can do it" severally. I kept saying this within me while I was on stage that I soon forgot I had a fear of people after I started. This has helped me and I no longer have that fear anymore.
Learn to say positive things about yourself and to yourself. Tell yourself you can't fail that course and it will become easier for you to study. Tell yourself you are qualified for that promotion and it will become easier for you to do things that will get you promoted. Be positive.

Carefully analyzing the problem at hand

The question you should ask yourself is, "why am I scared of what I am scared of? "
Are you scared that you will lose your job? Don't panic over it. Analyze the worst outcome if you lose your job. What will you lose? Will you die? Once you know what is there for you to lose if you eventually lose your job, you will become prepared for it. You can start looking for alternatives thereafter. Fear doesn't change a thing. It actually makes things go from bad to worse.

Changing the association you keep

Like I said before that the people you walk with can make you become a fearful person. Don't walk with people who have the same problem as yours. Don't walk with people who don't have answers to your questions. Change your relationship and walk with fearless people. Those you walk with will shake your life. Walk with the right people and fear will no longer be your problem.

Looking for a partner to motivate

This has been one of my favorite methods. Whenever I'm scared I look for other people who are scared and motivate them not to be. Whenever I'm scared to go out in the night I tell my roommate to go with me. If I realize he's scared as well I will tell him to be a man and in a bid to prove himself to be a man he will usually pretend not to be scared and follow me. I'm scared at that point but he doesn't know. He's scared too but I don't know. At that point, two fearful people have boldness to do what one fearful person can not do.

Why not go ahead and tell us how you've overcome your fear in the comment section.

Thank you for taking your time to read through. I remain your motivator - @mr-aaron. Don't forget to follow @airhawk-project to get the latest update. You can also join the largest Telegram group for steemit here



nice one here..
Fear is a thing of the mind.
Most times pressure to succeed brings fear of chances to fail..
Only the brave overcomes

Thanks @pelvis for always coming around

I once read a book entitled (The man of knowledge is big-minded).
Can we underline a person who is not as knowledgeable as a fruitless tree.
Then came the Tough and Fear to face the life he lived.
as I said above the learned man can subdue fear, with fear that we become strong people.
Strong people are those who are able to resist the fear that arises in him.
Fear is not to be removed because of this fear we become a strong fan of the courage to dare all the troubles of life that we live ..
I admit this post is very useful and foster self-confidence more creative.

Success always from me @mawardy

Thanks @mawardy for your timely contribution. Have a great week ahead

Fear! Fear!! Fear!!!
Have always been afraid throughout my life and i gave up on confidence and the ability to overcome fear because i didnt know how to fight it..
Thanks for this great post for i will now be able to do all things through determination and confidence ...

Good motivation

Fear is a thing of the mind
Limiting us in our abilities and capacity
You just gave me the inspiration to start the week well.

Thnks @chieyine for reading. Have a great week ahead

I like they way you express every kind of fear and doubts. I to suffering form the nicrophobia. The bad time of my life. I never forget this time. I wish no one face through this face. Time will teach you everything. Thanks for the post.

Thanks @kamesh for reading

Thanks for this. I think fear (of something) causes most of our responses to things. We either sit in love or fear. I like how you've broken this down.

Thanks @teneiced, I glad you liked the post

thanks for putting it right bro; you see, 'life is painful , but suffering is a choice. so i think the choice to allow fear gain expression lies all in our my own word is " I CAN, I WILL AND I MUST. FEAR IS NOTHING.....

Great motivation @mr-aaron..

I find that most times we allow the fears of tomorrow ruin our joys and opportunities of today... hence the need to always remain thoughts as well as action

Thanks @bennyjay for your awesome contribution

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