in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


Lots of people live a shortchanged life without putting their full potential into productive use, many even live in the fear of the unknown day by day and many live their life without direction. Time waits for no man and a minute wasted might lead to an eternity of regret. Many times have I wondered why people decided to live a caged life,” well lots of them don’t have vision.

Live your life all by yourself and always remember that you are the author of your actions and should thereby suffer the consequences.

The greatest defeat to an individual should be inability to fulfill destiny. I almost do not believe in coincidences because most of what life presents before us is a product of our actions. I refuse to believe that opportunities presents itself only before a selected few, it depends solely on you to identify and utilize it.

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The race is not to the swift,
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favour to men of skill;
But time and chances happens to them all

………………….Ecclesiastes (9:11)

What the above quotation is telling us is that everyone has equal chances and opportunities and it depends on how you are able to use it to profit yourself.

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The reality of life presents before us opportunities and chances irrespective of our personality, it now depends on those that are wise enough to identify it and use it to better their lives. It is expedient to note that time is the most important factor and it plays a crucial role in the life of man, it is also a yardstick for measurements and it can also be a limiting factor but remember, the major limiting factor is you.

What I mean by living your life to the fullest is “living your life in its full potential”, everyone is presented with choice i.e all we do is by choice, sometimes we choose wrongly and end up suffering the consequence of bad choices.

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To know whether you are fulfilled, you will develop or have a sense of satisfaction. To be happy is a matter of choice; it is either we rejoice or be sad about circumstances we find ourselves in. For us to make every moment of time spent worth it; Firstly, we have to know what we want and secondly, knowing how to go about it.

The first thing to note in living your life to the fullest is to know what you want. If you know what you want, then you can now proceed to finding that positive motivation i.e that drive needed for you to get what you want. Everyone has dream that they hope will one day materialize but not all are ready to do the needful. You should be known as an individual with dreams, purpose and expectations.

Fine! You want to be a footballer, what are you doing about it? Nothing?.........”Things doesn’t happen unless we make them happen. Stop living your life just to please everyone, "no one can please everyone because people are not easily pleased. Never let people dictate your future, strive harder, persevere, believe in yourself even when others don't. Note that you don't just dream, if you have a dream and do nothing...

Well, it will remain a dream and you will end up living a life unfulfilled. Will you rather die LIVING your legacy or live trying to please everyone? Remember, if you don't stand for something in life, " you will fall for anything.


Planning your present and future will also go a long way in helping you live a fulfilled life. Turn time into an asset; plan your time effectively and creatively. Plan your resources, never settle for less....exceed your expectations.

Most of those that are unfulfilled in life are those unwilling to take risk. Don't just be a blind risk taker, take calculated risk.

Let there be something that differentiate you from all your peers and all that around you. Don't settle for ordinary even when your peers do so. Strive to be of extra in all positive deed, seek knowledge and get understanding. Don't be like the five foolish virgin in the bible that didn't take extra oil with them. Don't settle for the position of a common man, make yourself approved and dine with kings.

Try committing yourself to a group that you know shares your vision or are of like passion. It will help you in fulfilling your dreams on time. You don't have to be alone in this, find those that you know can make your life meaningful, those that contribute positively to your dreams.

Like I said earlier, you are the limitation to your success, remove that factor and you will be free. Believe you have something to offer even when others don't. Don't be too dissappointed, you are not yet a failure unless you admit defeat.

If you fail, try again
If you fail again, try harder
Again and again,
Till your dream materialize.

The achievers are mostly does that never give up. Keep on believing, rather stand tall than live on your knees. It is never over until it is over.

Live a life of love, be happy. Invest in other's happiness and infect others with happiness. Learn to put smiles on peoples faces. Help without expecting things in return. Life is so simple, that is if we are ready to live it simple.

A lot of people believes that life is about giving and expectations. Well, that is true...however not the best. Learn to give not because of what you stand to gain, give to make life easy on yourself. Be the change you desire. There is great joy and sense of fulfilment in seeing people around you happy. Actually the fact is this; giving adds to you more than it takes from you. Cultivate the habit of appreciation, there are alot of things to be grateful for; always give thanks to your maker and also, appreciate every little effort around you. It prompts people to want to do more.

LESSON OF THE DAY: How you deal with obstacles surrounding you defines who you are and determines how successful you will become in life.

Stay blessed.

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If you feel this piece of motivational writing influences you, why not set up a discussion by commenting on this post, upvote it to show your support and resteem for better views. All things being equal, I want to try making it a everyday motivational writing.

Remember, spread the love!!!

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© by @aduragbemi


Truly excellent advice. Unfortunately most people don't even realise that they need it! (I certainly didn't until recently).

At the end of the day, people can set you in the right direction, but only you can really motivate yourself, and keep yourself motivated.

Thanks for this post, I hope that it helps some "caged" people who think that they don't need it.

Thanks alot for taking time to read through. i'm really pleased that you find this post helpful. I can't wait to see what you have in store for me

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