There's Nothing New Under The Sun

in #motivation5 years ago

Human beings, we're more similar that we're different. I know we all like to think we're unique, and we are to an extent, but the similarities far outnumber any of our peculiarities.

There are many sayings and adages in every culture that remind us of that fact.

"There's nothing new under the sun"


Yours truly on a lonely beach in South Wales

It happens to everyone, when you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you think you're all on your own, and nobody understands. You look around you and see nobody, metaphorically speaking.

Chances are, there are several people in the same situation all around you. Just you can't see them, and they can't see you.

Pioneers, entrepreneurs and outliers experience this very frequently. They are usually out in the open wilderness because they like to venture into areas undiscovered or untested. It can get very lonely out there when you're the first or only person to do something. It's easy to suffer from doubt or worse.

If you could see from a higher vantage point, however, it will be clear that there are also many like you standing in their own lonely spaces. If you could just look more closely, you would notice footsteps of others that have threaded the same paths as you.

There is a comfort that comes with realising that there's really nothing new under the sun. Someone, somewhere has done or is doing the same thing.

You're not alone


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.


I agree to a certain extent. We often think we stand alone, but it is because we fail to realize the army behind us because we are too focused on the battle ahead.

@adetorrent hope are you well . Maximum time I will try seen your vlog and blog both. Every content are valuable and meaningful. You are not alone , someone wait for you...!! Beautiful content presentation.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. I am very well. I hope you are too 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

You ok hun?


Very soothing words and photo.

The way I see it, there’s a point when you finally cope with the “loneliness” of doing things your own way that you don’t really care anymore.

But indeed, the thought that someone else or many others are, or have been in the exact same position, helps enduring the process.


You ok hun?

LOL 😭😭

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