Gratitudes of Motherhood

in #mothersday6 years ago

Happy Spawn Appreciation Day

Today we give a shout out to our mothers. For me, it's emotional as it is the first year without my mother. I spent time thinking about her and trying to be positive, and then I went in and spent time with my youngest spawn. Just him and I. I had other plans, but the fact of the matter, today doesn't happen every day and I can choose to be positive and appreciate what I have, which is my own kids who love me very much and another mother who has been equally as influential on my life. I could wallow, and I won't lie, it would be easy to do... but certainly not worth it.

Celebrating Life


I like to think that today isn't just about saying thanks to our mom's. It isn't about the women who spat us out of their lady bits, so much as it is about the women that have had an impact on our lives, that have been our mothers, that have been like our mothers and those that are there instead of our mothers. This means, that mom's of all variety can be celebrated today. Single dad's, I know ladies are going to be all over father's day as well... so I think that in that case you should get some credit there. I mean, you guys are the ones with daughters that you ned to explain periods to and guide ladies into womanhood as well. Big, tall order there! So, shout out to all of those "mom's" that have put in the extra effort that wasn't required, that nurture and care for us.

My Motivation

Being a mother is one of my major motivations.

When my youngest was just a few months old, he had open heart surgery. I changed a lot after that. It is somthing to see your child lying there and being able to do nothing but provide insurance so that hopefully some doctors can fix them. In the video, he is too young to talk and his brother is talking to him on the phone. Tristan (my oldest) wasn't old enough to go into ICU at the time but was worried about his brother. It was a sweet moment.

Being a parent means a lot of frusration, a plenty of self-doubt and nights where you simply don't know what you're doing. It provides confusion, insecurities and regret sometimes as well. What makes it worth it is the innocent moments, the hugs just because and watching your children grow into adulthood and seeing them become what you knew that they always were.

My two boys have been my world for a long time. The oldest spawn is basically an adult now. He has his own life and recently even got a job. He is all grown and talking about college and moving and doing his own thing. Sometimes it is sad, because I don't want him to go. I will not fight it though, this too is part of the process. Great love and pride goes out to this guy. I am blessed to know him. I am grateful for today and I am happy that I can celebrate today with two of the people that I love the most.

Thanks Moms

I would like to finish off by giving a shout out to my own moms as well. These two ladies tried their best, even though I gave them plenty of hell!
moms edited.jpg

Shoutout to Grams as well!
mom and her mom.jpg

My father's mother, my MaMaw passed away many years ago. I miss her. She was a great lady. My grandma here, my mother's mom, this was taken a few years ago and I always liked it. Figured, I would share it.

Emotional day indeed. But I am happy to have the experiences that I have had.

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