Mothering Sunday.

in #mothers2 years ago

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I know we say a lot about the number of Mother's Day we have in a year. I want to believe it's just one but we have grown accustomed to celebrating all the Mother's Day in the world. We celebrate when they celebrate in Italy, Portugal and now, I think we have up to 5 Mother's Day in the year. I am not speaking about the injustice to the men 🤣🤣🤣😂 this post is far from that even though I only know of one Father's Day in the year.

Women deserved to be appreciated and this is my point. It doesn't matter whether we have 100 Mother's Day in the year and it's not to make us grow complacent but to appreciate that we have gods in our women and they deserved to be celebrated, even if we have to do it more than 5 times in a year.

The role of mothers cannot be overemphasized because they are wonderful. They have been saddled with so many responsibilities and they have been equipped to handle it also. I don't understand where they got their strength from but trust me, they are unmatched. If you are blessed to still have your mother around, try and reach out to them and appreciate them. They won't always be around and this is something you have to ask me.

I already spoke about how I've always been close to my dad and not because I was at loggerheads with my mum, no, but because I believed I still have all the time in the world to get to know her more because I was enjoying dad's attention. They said the boys always go back to their mothers, that's true and I least for 3 years.

I was intentional about growing closer to her after dad passed away and I was able to do that for 3 years before she passed on too. 3 years can never be enough but I am grateful for the opportunity. What if I didn't even have it? I choose to see the benefit of having a glass in the first place rather than worry about if it was half full or half empty. Those 3 years were amazing and her last words to me showed what a wonderful mother she was.

I was to teach a topic in the evening that day and she went on about how happy she is every time I was asked to teach and she told me how many people prefer me to teach. I could see the pride in her eyes and I was happy. She made sure she stayed till the end of my teaching before she passed on. Maybe I should have extended my teaching for hours, I am sure she would have found the strength to stay till the end.


It was in dad's house and I went downstairs to teach the fellowship. She couldn't come downstairs but she stayed at the balcony to listen to me finish my teaching before heading into her room where she struggled for her life. We don't seem to appreciate how valuable our mothers are until we have them no more. When we have them around, we feel they are demanding, disturbing and stressing us all because they want the best for us and sometimes we take that for granted. Their love can be found everywhere, even in little things.

I remembered during my University days, I hardly go home but when I go home, she would go to my bag, drag out all the clothes there and wash them. Both the dirty ones and the clean ones, she didn't want to leave anything to chance. Sometimes I would hide my bag because I knew she would search them, still, she would drag the clothes out and help me wash them. I would taunt her and tell her some of them are not dirty, she wouldn't mind. It's as little as that and those kinds of things would always have a place in your heart, no matter how you have grown.

If you still have a mother, cherish them. If you have a wife, appreciate her. If you have a girlfriend, see the mother in her and value her equally because if you can't see the mother in her, I have to question your choices as a man also. You will feel that love and affection from your woman especially when you are both heading in the same direction.

I've said that I don't know how women do all the things they do because it's not normal. Their strength, their abilities, the foresight and the way they go about their businesses as though it's a piece of cake. I can't understand it and might never understand it but they deserved my appreciation, not just today but every day.

Happy Mother's Day to all the women out there. You are the reason why we are where we are today, due to your love, guidance, affection and consideration. The world is a better place with you all in it. Your tenacity, your industriousness, your gorgeousness... Everything about you makes you phenomenal and it's a blessing to be associated with you. If you are struggling to get anything done, just involve a woman and see how that plays out. They are smart enough to see what you can't see and that's why women of intelligence always attract the best of minds.

Happy Mother's Day to you all... The girl-child, the lady, the married, the married with children and all the women out there. You are the real MVPs.

Yesterday was Mother's Day celebration in Nigeria and it's still the week, so I felt I should share it with you all as well.

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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