Things People Forget to Mention about Labor and Delivery!

in #motherhood8 years ago

Doc doesn’t tell you much unless you ask. I’m not sure if this was just me or what but my doc visits were so short. And he never told me what to expect.

Water doesn’t always break- in the early stages of labor I called the doc and told him about my mucous plug. He told me I had a long way to go n basically don’t come in until my water broke. Well glad I didn’t listen to that because they had to break my water in about my 12th hour of labor. Id already had my epidural at that point.

Epidural sometimes slows down the labor process. I was about 5cm dialated when I got my epidural and once I got it, it took forever for me to get to 10cm. I got the epidural around 8pm and didn’t start to push until 8am the next morning.

They come on to check on you about every hour sleep or not- don’t think just bc your comfy and the contractions are numbed by the epidural that your going to sleep because a nurse comes in damn near every hour to check on you and the baby.

Delivery is pretty laid back in some cases - in my case my delivery was pretty laid back, As far as the pushing goes. My husband held one leg and the nurse held the other. I waited for her to tell me I was having a contraction and I pushed. Believe it or not I was so tired from the previous night that I was falling sleep between pushes.

If you baby has a bm in you be prepared not to hold her soon as she comes out- or hear her cry. When she came out they rushed her to that little table and I didn’t see her for an hour. They said they didn’t want her to cry and get the bm in her lungs. I didn’t see her but My husband told me how they stuck a tube in her nose to clear her out.

Someone comes to press on your sore tender belly every 20 mins and gross stuff comes out- this grossed me out. After delivery they come in your room about every 20mins and literally push on your stomach. Omg and out comes tons of blood. Not to mention my stomach was hurting they pressed so damn hard. I guess all the rest of the stuff baby needs to survive in there comes on out when they push but sheesh.

The biggest worse underwear ever with huge pads- so after delivery you do bleed tons for days and even weeks. So while your in the hospital they give you basically paper granny panties and huge pads.

Sex for the first Time after the baby isn’t that bad- soooo many people told me how uncomfortable and painful it would be after birth. It wasn’t a nightmare. We did wait like we were supposed. You should have an understanding with your partner that be needs to take it easy. Don’t go for the gold the first time back in the game and you’ll be fine. You tell him to take it easy and I’m sure he will. Hell probably be so damn excited he’s finally getting some after a long 6weeks hell do anything you say do. Lol.

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