MotherDog - is a good blockchain based project for the future

in #motherdog3 years ago (edited)


An NFT is an electronic asset that can be unique and bought and sold. They cannot be interchanged because no two NFTs are almost identical. An NFT in this sense would have the potential to be viewed as an prohibitive proposition of a position in modernized design.

Guaranteeing an NFT does not mean that the asset cannot be recreated or that it has no other copy. For example, there are various elevations on the main painting of the Mona Lisa. In the automated world, the owner of an NFT has a lawsuit over an obligation regarding exceptional assets. Meanwhile, the owner of the work may not have all the rights to it, similar to copyright law.

As of now, an NFT would simply mean owning something whose affiliation can be proven through an innate approval system similar to that of advance payments. Although cryptographic cash is also a modernized commodity like NFT, the past is fungible when you consider how one crypto unit, such as bitcoin, can be exchanged for another bitcoin unit. Unlike craftsmanship, NFTs can be made from accounts, music, collectibles, GIFs, PC game skins, and even tweets.



Motherdog a decentralized meme token with decentralized exchange and NFTs Marketplace. Motherdog develops Binance Smart Chain. Binance Smart Chain is wonderful, with the most efforts, the biggest DeFi users, the cheapest gas fee, and the fastest trading speed. You will find potential on Motherdog including improvement store, support, activity, connection, etc.

Binance Smart Chain is viewed as an equivalent blockchain that forms a twofold chain structure by transferring programmability to the Binance Chain. Binance and Binance Smart Chain have both instilled the thinking behind architects, vendors, and monetary backers. Part of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallets are: MetaMask. The Binance Smart Chain is a blockchain network with nifty agreement that is entirely aimed at creating a decentralized money-related climate (DeFi). The Binance Smart Chain works with a proof-of-authority understanding framework.

The decentralized idea of ​​the blockchain makes the groundbreaking idea of ​​a representative economy in which the neighborhood can be passed on to the real substance producers and organizational customers who take it into account. Picture coins don't meet any real need right now, of course, and most of them were made to make money quickly. Some of these coins have gained notoriety since they were developed by compelling VIPs, and retail money customers have controlled their spending by lively spreading them on the internet.

Tokenomisches MDOG

  • Name:  mother dog
  • Ticker: MDOG
  • Supply:  1,000 billion
  • Devour:  half
  • In circulation:  10%
  • Vorabhandel :  30%
  • Advance:  5%
  • Parachute jump:  5%


-  Supply:  1,000 billion

  • Pre-trade:  300 billion
  • Start:  2021-08-25
  • End:  2021-09-25
  • Time:  1 month
  • Recognize currencies:  BNB
  • Trading Scale 1 BNB:  1,000,000,000 MDOG
  • Max aggregate assembled:  3 BNB

We will end the pre-sale period when it shows up at the hardcap and ship quickly.


Mother dog swap

Motherdog Swap is a DeFi show that depends on the Binance Smart Chain and brings the best of things to the neighborhood. It is limited as a decentralized exchange (DEX) that accepts a mechanized market maker (AMM) model. Stamp and Farm, Sell and Buy Unusual NFTs, Get Your Own NFT Collection, and More.



In the cryptocurrency space, the blowing of an emblematic method of deliberately removing this token from courses, routinely by sending it to a cryptographic wallet that no one uses methods to. Devouring a ton of computerized cash tokens can fabricate the lack of that token. The coin blowing demonstration is common in the crypto business and is exceptionally easy to do.

Numerous exercises use coin blowing to shield the natural market size of their assets. A decrease in the hard and fast volume of coins theoretically leads to an increase in value, provided that current interest rate indicators are kept in mind. It will generally be done in different ways, most of the equilibrium is unreservedly clear on the blockchain, but permission to its substance is not within the reach of anyone. The burning through of the MDOG token is halved and is carried out in three phases:

  • Level 1:  20%
  • Level 2:  10%
  • Level 3:  20%


Motherdog Wallet on Android and iOS

Motherdog practical wallet for Binance Smart Chain / BEP20 and Ethereum / ERC20 / ERC223 tokens. Enter a fully security-cleared system working on it to store your expected data for iOS and Android and provide the best insight and convenience.




Username : Shelacans

My Profile Link Bitcointalk :;u=3136770

BSC ADDRESS : 0xF4F1E40CC4A7f16941c47a5DE71e53a1013c2AF0

Telegram Username : @Shelacans

Coin Marketplace

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