Clowns to the left of you, jokers to the right...

in #mother6 years ago (edited)

Letter to Stephan...
regarding the two scalawags that totally occupy the space between your ears.

First...she who must not be named.
This particular female likes to order to discipline your behaviour so that you won't ever do it again....whatever it may be...
This scalawag gives and receives gifts that will get things done for them....or gifts that will allow them to control their men..A present equals a fulcrum for emotional extortion.....nothing more.


Here's what you need to know
Your time with the scalawag is limited. The scalawag knows this. not. Anything that is going to hasten your departure from their a threat..Anything that threatens their ability to pimp you a threat. They are not hoes. They are pimps. And you, having volunteered so willingly...are the designated hoe. She wouldn't have it any other way. Read on to find out why.
If you become emotionally, spiritually and financially successful...your options go up exponentially. The sub mediocre scalawag you have raised and placed high on a pedestal where they don't belong...know they don't belong there. They know their time there is limited. So part of their job is to make sure you have sight...and not vision. They throw shade to make sure you always have their drama living rent free in the space between your ears....


and thus never develop vision. Sight is what you see with your eyes. And you know how easily sight can be fooled. Vision is what you see with your mind. They cannot abide by you having ANY vision.
So they will throw shade at you to prevent you from vision for if you learn to see with your mind...they are history. Once your vision makes it clear you can have a girl...more statuesque...more bosomy...cleaner...kind...caring...compassionate...who throws no shade...isn't trying to misuse you...and just wants to love will again never settle for those pimps who will not be named. If she can get you to pony up attention which is pure catnip...doting as you are...and she does not have to give up any sex...and on top of that gets you to deliver cash and prizes...what would cause her to go back to the way things were? Luxuries...once tasted...become necessities.


The bottom line is that the scalawag...that you have romantic feelings afraid that once you see what you are worth...with your will leave her ass.

As per the scalawag you are related to...she now believes you impotent. When you sicced the lawyer on her she thought it was just a matter of time before the sky fell. Now, you have made it clear to her that you are legally impotent...that your words are empty...that there are no actions to back it up. The longer she went without hearing from you...the more paranoid she became. Now she KNOWS...she has nothing to worry about. Her a paper tiger. And all she feels pity. When she realizes she feels pity...that will anger her. Then enrage her. And she will think of all the 'love' your mother and father showered you with and how she was the success story and you the fuckup...and how they loved you you never earned...and how she loved them but never earned their love...and finally she has you under her time to make you pay.
You asked me what to do. I answered you. You ignored my suggestions. Fine. Two things all people must do...1) find a god of their own understanding and act accordingly and 2) Find out about living for themselves. Excellent so far. Here's the deal...if you are going to ask...then ignore my suggestions, as is your right...then promptly leave me out of the debris field that follows when the shit hits the fan. I explained the danger that comes from you wanting to read her the riot act without your fiduciary acting as a buffer. You didn't listen. Cool. Leave me out of the aftermath.


I expect her to cut you a check...after having forged your signature to gain access to the accounts your mother left you...cut you a check...from your money...just to remind you of who ended up with the pants in the family. And Stephan...she didn't kill your mother to get her hands on cash...she killed your mother to deprive you of the love she saw that would never be hers. Eating the cash and depriving you of your inheritance is far more important than the amount in any T-bill her mind anyway. And Stephan...she's just getting started. She saw the quality of life your father received at the hands of you...the alleged the final year of his life. And she saw how you helped your mom outlive her friends/cousins with the big her. How many years did she outlive them by? 3 1/2 years? With an excellent quality of life? In her own home? Then your sister comes to New York...yanks her out of a doctor's care...against his specific orders...puts her ass on a plane...drops her ass in an already arranged hospice and mom is dead inside a fortnight! This is the same sister that leaves Texas the same day her mother dies and comes to New York to sell the condo....right? No coincidence here dude. And here you are...unwilling to do what is required to set things right. Fine. I will be unreachable by phone and email and since people who just 'happened to be in the neighborhood'.... don't get to stop by. You want to respond while I am here on steemit...that's fine. No more private conversations between you and i for the next six months. As you know G died a while back. After the initial please sign for probate disbursement...all's quiet on the western front. Only difference between the death of your mother and mine is that you want the money they left you and I probably could care less than I do about receiving any mullah... if at all.
I can only help those that want to be helped but I will be no one's dumping ground. I am putting distance between me and all those who do not respect my boundaries. I always go where I am affirmed. Since that is a one way street for you...I must withdraw any personal communication for now. Sometimes you have to love your brothers...from afar. Besides I have some final arrangements to take care own aftermath as it were. May the gods stand between you and all the empty places where you must walk. Ciao for now. More on this later.


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