The Most Embarrassing Ever Challenge with @kus-knee

in #mostembarrassingever7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians!

I saw a contest by @dandesign86 about sharing my most embarrassing memory........?. Gosh I'm so embarrassed .

My most embarrassing moment happened when I was in secondary school, I was called out during our morning assembly to be flogged (In my school, if you're flogged and you cry, you've messed up big time).

So, I was to be given 7 strokes in front of the whole school, I went prepared not to cry. After I was beaten I held my tears quite well, but unfortunately for me my secondary school girl friend (Boys will be boys) was at the front. So, when I was going back to my line, she told me sorry and I was trying to reply that it was not a big deal when all the tears I held back rushed down my cheeks, like someone opened the flood gate. Men............. I was so embarrassed.

Thanks to @dandesign86 for this amazing contest.

Check out the contest and participate by sharing your most embarrassing memory ever:

(Picture credit)


Oh my goodness!... I'm so sorry!😣😩

Flogged! Wow, The did that to me too when I was a kid but nit anymore.

The contest is actually being run by @dandesign86

Thanks for the correction

Wow that sounds terrible - sometimes being a man is also to show your feelings, but in this moment it's hard not to be embarrassed when there is such a big gathering of people

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