I Paid off my Mortgage so Where is my Title?

Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 11:04 AM
Subject: Fwd: I Paid off my Mortgage so Where is my Title?

good article here on money and about half way down is a piece
on mortgages, pretty good stuff.

I Paid off my Mortgage so Where is my Title?

*demand to see your paper title when you feel it is right for
your personal situation-either by refusing to pay your mortgage
until you see proof of the title.


I Paid off my Mortgage so Where is my Title?

In the mid-2000s, the Anonymous Patriots saw the Ponzi scheme
on Wall Street and cashed in. We decided to use our proceeds
to pay down our commercial buildings and residence. It was
just simple math. Why pay the bank an interest rate higher
than the overall return made in our portfolio? We would just
invest in ourselves and keep the money. First the house was
paid down and then the commercial properties, one by one. Over
the last few years, we have become free of the banks and keep
the money that we once paid the banks to service our debt. We
also diversified our cash holdings into local banks and credit
unions. /(We are not financial advisors so by law we cannot and
will not give you financial advice. Do your own homework. Do
what seems right for your household.) /

Why this is of particular interest in this article is that
as the properties were paid off, we would ask the bank for
our property titles. We kept being told that "we don't issue
property titles anymore" or "the proof of your ownership is now
established with your local property tax authorities." But this
was odd since we have auto titles in our possession. Friends
with boats and mobile homes have paper titles.

So what happened to property titles? We paid off our home
and buildings-but do we really own them when we don't have a
paper legal title? What did the banks do with the original title
and why don't they return them to us now that the property is
paid-in-full? Do you have the title to your residence or have
you ever seen it? If you closed on a home since 2008 have you
seen any paper titles at closing? Why aren't title companies
and banks concerned about paper titles anymore?

What we found out will shock you.

But before we get there, we want to show you one more thing
about the new $100 bill that gave us a clue of what happened
to residential and/or commercial property titles.

Strange Image on the New One-Hundred-Dollar Bills

Many people have discovered the image of the twin towers
collapsing on their 5, 10, 20, 50, and (old) 100 dollar
bills. If you haven't seen how these images are made by folding
the bills, check out this video. There are several on the
internet, but this one shows the images in all of the bills in
a way that you can visualize the succession of the falling of
the World Trade Center: Twin Towers Falling on Currency Bills. -

These images were designed on the bills long before 9-11-2001.

We were curious what would image would show if we folded
a new $100 bill
in the same manner. This is what we found,
taken from the 2009 series of the new bill, which predates the
event that we will describe below, but seems to be a prophetic
warning nonetheless:


We see what seems to be a rush of water down a street, from
an open source of water, into an urban area. This is what we
began to search on the internet. Had there been any floods in
urban areas that might have currency consequences?

Flood-Fire-Flood on Water Street, NYC, 2009

About 40 trillion worth of stock and bond certificates held in
an underground Manhattan vault owned by the Depository Trust &
Clearing Corporation were damaged by flooding in Hurricane Sandy
in November 2012. The New York-based company DTCC processes
transactions in U.S. equities and government, municipal and
corporate bonds. The 40-year-old vault was submerged when the
Atlantic Ocean's largest tropical storm on record slammed New
York City.

The DTCC processes the underwriting of stock and bond
offerings for all transactions on the New York Stock Exchange
and electronically registers securities and ensures that
dividend payments are accurate. It also manages transactions
and payments in equities and fixed income and guarantees that
trades clear. Purchases and sales are mainly handled through
electronic book entry, with the securities registered in the
name of DTCC unit Cede & Co. The DTCC is owned by its member
banks, brokers, mutual funds and other financial institutions.

The "Unfortunate and Unpredictable" destruction of $40 Trillion
in Stocks and Bonds must have come as a shock seeing that a
fifth grader wouldn't house the largest depository of "paper"
stocks and bonds in a vault below sea level and then, forget
to close the door. That's right, the vault was waterproof,
but someone forgot to close the door on the way out after they
heard the largest hurricane to ever hit Manhattan was on the
way. But that is only topped by the fact that after the flood
drained, a fire somehow burnt the contents of the vault. And
then, another flood somehow filled the vault again leaving a
mess that DTCC says may never be cleared up.


Then we are told by DTCC that the remains of the $40 trillion
paper trail has been moved to a secret location; furthermore,
no pictures of the "damp and burnt" records were ever shared
with the public. This is made even odder when we read from
DTCC own newsletter its intentions concerning "paper" copies
of anything traded on the New York Stock exchange. As a
matter of fact, just prior to the 2012 flood, DTCC called for a
"dematerialization" of paper copies of any transaction on the
NY Stock Exchange, or any other exchange.

From the site of the DTCC, September 1, 2012

Targeting Paper

/DTCC Calls for Full Dematerialization/ -


DTCC's dematerialization plan focuses on three primary areas
in physical processing: traditional physical transactions, new
issues and existing inventory in the vaults of The Depository
Trust Company (DTC). To target these areas, DTC will:

  1. Introduce ways to reduce volumes, costs and risk associated
    with traditional physical transactions. These are transactions
    clients regularly send to DTC for immobilization. DTC
    anticipates eliminating physical deposit activity altogether
    by 2015.
  2. Develop recommendations that will eventually eliminate
    the need for physical certificate processing of new issues.
  3. Work with the industry to reduce physical certificates
    held in the DTC vault, as well as reducing and ultimately
    eliminating those certificates held in DTC's street name,
    Cede and Co. This will not affect the depository's Non-Cede
    Custody Service, which offers limited services for assets
    that are not fully eligible.

As of September 2014, DTCC had not replaced the damaged stock
certificates and had laws suites filed against it. There were
also many thousands of FBI and other documents also stored
in this "depository." DTCC was not worried at all about the
loss because most the of the stocks and bonds were owned by
their sister partner, Cede & Co. And as we can see in their
Targeting Paper above, DTCC was hoping to "dematerialize"
the Cede & Co stock and bonds…then OOPS!…Someone just
happened to leave the vault door open for Hurricane Sandy.

It is worth taking a moment here and delving into the mystery
company DTCC and its partner in crime, Cede & Company.

DTCC and its partner in crime, Cede & Company

Wikipedia defines DTCC as: /"An American post-trade/ -


financ ial services/ -


/ company providing clearing/ -


/ and set tlement/ -


/ services to the financial markets/ -


/. It also provides central custody of securities/ -


/. DTCC was established in 1999 as a holding company to combine
The Depository Trust Company (DTC) and National Securities
Clearing Corporation (NSCC). User-owned and directed, it
automates, centralizes, standardizes, and streamlines processes
in the capital markets/ -


/. Through its subsidiaries, DTCC provides clearance,
settlement, and information services for equities, corporate
and municipal bonds/ -


/, unit investment trusts/ -


/, government and mortgage-backed/ -


/ securities, money market/ -


/ instruments, and over-the-counter/ -


deriv atives/ -


/. It also manages transactions between mutual funds/ -


/ and insurance/ -


/ carrie rs and their respective investors. In 2011, DTCC
settled the vast majority of securities transactions in the
United States/ -


/ and close to $1.7 quadrillion/ -


/ in value worldwide, making it by far the highest financial
value processor in the world."/

DTCC's depository provides custody and asset servicing for
more than 3.6 million securities issues from the United States
and 121 other countries and territories, valued at US $36.5
trillion. In 2010, DTCC settled nearly US $1.66 quadrillion
in securities transactions in 2012.

DTCC is about 34% owned by the New York Stock Exchange on
behalf of its members. It is a limited purpose trust company
and is a unit of the Federal Reserve.


Just as Cede & Co. at one point in every transaction on Wall
Street "owns" the stock or bond or anything traded, so, too, the
mortgage industry was taken over by similar "digital pirates"
who used computer programs to eliminate paper notes or titles-
kind of like fiat currency backed up by nothing
. The Mortgage
Electronic Registration System essentially owns 67 million
pieces of property in the US at this moment, or about 80% of
all US residential titles. And that explains why the Anonymous
Patriots, despite paying off our properties in full, cannot get
a title on our properties from the bank who held our mortgages.

For those readers who made it so far, don't think that you
are an exception.
Continue to read on:

When the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. was
created, it was intended to serve as a nominee for real
estate transactions in a way strongly analogous to how Cede &
Co. serves as the nominee owner of record (i.e., the "street
name -


" owner) for all securities held in trust by the Depository
Trust & Clearing Corporation -


. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the American securities
industry was drowning in paper because of the sheer complexity
of physically exchanging thousands of stock certificates every
day. By "immobilizing" physical stock certificates and later
replacing them altogether with book entries, DTCC enabled the
development of the modern computerized securities industry

The MERS system eRegistry is a system of record that identifies
the owner (Controller) and custodian (Location) for registered
eNotes. Built by MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. with the endorsement
of the Mortgage Bankers Association -


(MBA) and launched in 2004. Both Fannie Mae -


and Freddie Mac -


require the registration of eNotes on the MERS system eRegistry
before they are eligible for purchase.

As mortgage-backed securities grew in volume during the
1980s, it became self-evident that a similar mechanism was
needed for the mortgages placed into those securities.
fixed this problem in that most standard loan documents were
changed to name MERS as the nominal beneficiary or mortgagee
of record. This enabled lenders and investors to transfer
mortgages without recording assignments in local recorders'
offices and, in turn, avoided having to pay recording fees.

Ideally, assuming a loan is properly paid back on time, a MERS
loan needs only two documents to be recorded:

  1. the original mortgage or deed of trust naming Mortgage
    Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., and a reconveyance of
    the mortgage or

  2. deed of trust back to the borrower (thus merging legal and
    equitable title).

If all entities along the way are MERSCORP Holdings,
Inc. members, then all intermediate transfers between those
points are tracked only on the MERS system, and the entity who
holds the loan at the end merely records the reconveyance as an
agent for MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. (Notice how MERS is /both/
(1) an agent for the original lender, and then (2) the final
lender acts as an agent for MERSCORP Holdings, Inc.; this is
why MERS' critics frequently attack it as "two-faced.")

/Some of the illegal activities of MERS named in the many
law suits against it include:/

MERS's officers often issue assignments without verifying the
underlying information, which has resulted in incorrect or
fraudulent transfers.

Simultaneously claim to be the mortgagee and the nominee/agent
of the lender or trustee.

Harmful effect on the integrity and transparency of public
recording and tax avoidance.

Its nominal ownership of millions of home loans poses a
disastrous risk for mortgage investors should Mortgage
Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ever declare bankruptcy.

MERS was used by the Wall Street Banks to avoid paying county
recorder fees and real estate transfer tax fees.

Using a long list of names who are known "robo-signers."

MERS is a shell company with no employees, owned by the
giant banks.

MERS is a tax and fee-avoiding opportunity.

MERS has all but replaced the nation's public land ownership

MERS placed many undiscovered and no document mortgages in

The bundling and sale of mortgages and claims of title can
make it very difficult to know who owes what to whom.

For the first time in the nation's history, there is no
longer an authoritative, public record of who owns land in
each county.

There is an unbelievable scandal in the making that threatens
to subvert our four-century-old method for guaranteeing a
fundamental building block of the American republic-property

Created in 1995 by the country's biggest banks, MERS quietly
took control of and privatized mortgage record-keeping across
the country and, in the span of a few years, scrambled
America's private property ownership records to the point
where no one could figure out who owns what.

MERS was a tool used by America's top financial institutions
to pump up the real estate market.

Mortgage-backed securities, robo-signers, lightning quick
foreclosures, subprime mortgages and just about everything
else that went into feeding the biggest real estate bubble in
U.S. history could not function without help from MERS.

MERS was created to help the industry push its latest
money-maker: mortgage-backed securities, a Wall Street financial
scam that dressed up the most toxic, guaranteed-to-fail loans
as Grade A investment vehicles that could be sold to suckers
looking for an easy gain.

The whole purpose of MERS is to allow "servicers" to pretend
as if they are someone else: the "owners" of the mortgage,
or the real parties in interest.

MERS artifice and enterprise evolved into an "ultra-fictitious"
entity, which can also be understood as a "meta-corporation."

The average consumer, or even legal professional, can never
determine who or what was or is ultimately receiving the
benefits of any mortgage payments. The conspirators set about
to confuse everyone as to who owned what. The use of MERS as
a generic placeholder for the real owner of a mortgage was a
crucial component of the entire securitization machine. The
entire scheme was predicated upon the fraudulent designation
of MERS as the �~beneficiary' under millions of deeds of trust.

Before MERS, it would not have been possible for mortgages with
no market value to be sold at a profit or collateralized and
sold as mortgage-backed securities. Before MERS, it would not
have been possible for the Defendant banks and AIG to conceal
from government regulators the extent of risk of financial
losses those entities faced from the predatory origination of
residential loans and the fraudulent re-sale and securitization
of those otherwise non-marketable loans.

From 1997-the year MERS went online-to 2005, mortgage fraud
reports increased by 1,411 percent. MERS saved the banking
industry-and cost municipal governments-tens of billions of
dollars by allowing lenders to avoid paying county filing
fees. MERS extracted at minimum around $30 billion from
cash-strapped local governments.

MERS also has almost no paid employees and does not keep any
records or minutes of corporate meetings. When pressed to
explain the inner workings of the organization, its executives
evaded questions, feigned ignorance.

In California, the suit against MERS could cost the company
somewhere between $60 to $120 billion in damages and penalties.

Almost every participating major bank in MERS has been charged
for mortgage fraud and paid fines in the billions.

How Did MERS Take Control

MERSCORP Holding Inc -


., publicly known as its shell company "MERS," is the premier
real estate mortgage holding mill and third party deed
counterfeiting house in the country. After the Glass-Steagall
Act -


which made it a felony to speculate with mortgage notes in
the stock market, was repealed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -


in 1999 MERS took off like a rocket. Mortgage paper was
leveraged dozens of times bundled and sold to speculators. Not
with hopes of gain through real estate value appreciation,
but as betting chips in a game based on when properties they
held would go into default; a decadent Wall Street derivative
game called "credit default swaps -



The resulting global bank windfall, in stark contrast to
individuals and companies both domestic and foreign, who
lost big-time on these credit default swaps, and were forced
to search out and attempt foreclosure on at-risk properties
(whether in default or not) in order to recoup their losses
and stay in the game.

The huge derivatives bubble created by the banks has created
over 70 million MERS tainted properties in the US alone.

After deregulation (the Glass-Steagall repeal) the mortgage
note, and the lien document were allowed to be separated. The
seller would keep the lien and the note was sold to the bank
for consideration which the bank then sold into a Wall Street
derivative pool. There it was leveraged and resold over and
over again. There are literally hundreds of court cases from
17th century English case law to today's US Supreme Court
that have ruled this practice of unrecorded title transfer as
predatory and unlawful.

The Note is the signed negotiable instrument -


, you executed to obtain the money you borrowed. For this reason
payment is due only to the lawful holder of this NOTE or to
an agent who can prove he lawfully represents the owner of the
actual Note and not just a copy of it. By the same token, the
lien holder, has no claim to the property without possession
of the actual Note.

Any mortgage company that demands payment on any property,
cannot secure and lawfully receive payment nor can they
foreclose and lawfully take the property with merely a copy
of the mortgage Note. Any foreclosure without both the Lien
and the original Note is theft.
The solution is to hold the
mortgage bankers' feet to the fire. Never let them take your
property - possession is 9/10ths of the LAW. Arm yourself with
the facts and make them prove their ownership in court. If
they can't prove they are the mortgage owner by producing
absolute proof of the legally obtained original Note signed
by you in blue ink, don't pay them a penny and don't let them
take your property
. They must be the legal holder of your
Note and Lien to lawfully do so.

DTCC and Cede & Co plus MERS Have Same Owner

It would be beyond the scope of this article to explain who is
the Master pulling the puppet strings of the DTCC and MERS truly
is.This puppet Master essentially owns every stock exchange
and every transaction that happens on those exchanges as well
as most of the mortgages in the country

The move to digitalize all stocks and mortgages is similar
to going from gold backed fiat currency to currency backed
by digital impulses in the servers of meta-corporations which
are monopolies.

Would you be surprised to know that the same company that owns
the New York Stock Exchange also owns the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange and most other national and international exchanges?
Surely you would not be surprised to find out that the same
transnational private corporation also owns DTCC and Cede &
Co. and MERS. It sounds like checkmate, doesn't it? But in
coming articles we will reveal the name of this "most powerful"
corporation and the evil web it spins.

Back to that Strange Image on the New One-Hundred-Dollar Bills

As we have written in other articles, we believe that there
are two factions in this war of Globalism vs Nationalism. The
Globalists do not want you to know that there are Patriots
giving them a run-for-their-money. Literally. Thanks to the
Patriots who saw what the DTCC would have to do to hide their
crime after the 2008 housing collapse-a hurricane flood on a
street named Water.They put their message of prophecy to us
on the new currency designed in 2009 to predict what would
later happen in 2012, while at the same time sneaking a new
gold-back currency into the market

They also included a very important message to all of us on the
new currency. /We The People/, by the stroke of a pen and the
will of the people, can determine the outcome of this war. Let
Patriots around the country consider the following actions:

  1. Exchange old currency for the new, either by a direct
    exchange at the banks or using up the old currency in paying
    bills, etc.
  2. Stop playing their mortgage game and demand to see your
    paper title when you feel it is right for your personal
    situation-either by refusing to pay your mortgage until
    you see proof of the title, demanding proof at the time of
    remortgaging, or other suggestions given to us by legal and
    financial Patriots.

Until then, don't take any wooden nickels, old Federal Reserve
Notes and remember to demand paper copies of all titles,
notes, liens, stocks and bonds. Until then, keep holding on
to those Blue bills. And when we have a favorable political
situation in Washington, we must demand, by Constitutional
Amendment or rock-solid legislation, the complete cessation
of the DIGITALIZATION of our money, stocks and bonds, and LAND
of the citizenry.


It's getting harder and more frustrating to do things right...

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