Day TwentySeven - Something Foreign to You


Many things are foreign to me.

something I am grateful for being foreign to me, though ...


I am very rarely vulnerable. I have many walls, I've spent years building them, and they keep me safe. It is rare for me to let other in past them. I almost never do.

In fact, when I have, it has been an error. This reinforces the rejection of the thought of allowing others in as well. It's a crazy cycle. But it is safe.

I rarely get hurt because of it.

I have heard the argument that ... I am closing off the opportunity for great things while I keep myself safe. Oddly enough, those words usually come from mouths of folks trying to get in, who eventually have all hurt me.

I thought, lately, maybe it was right - to keep risking the hurt for the hope.

It's definitely something that is foreign to me . Being vulnerable.

I am always open. I am always honest. I am always an oversharer. I find no vulnerability there, though.

I am vulnerable when I say ... I like you, I'd like to send time with you, I hope you like me too.

I am in that vulnerable place. Foreign to me. It is strange and slightly uncomfortable.

I hear that's where growth comes from ....

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