Day TwentyNine - Happiness

Of course, happiness would come a day after sorrow. It always does, doesn't it!?

Of course it is easy to be grateful for happiness.

It is simple to say thanks for smiles.

It is a little harder to live in that place all the time. But I try.

Here ... happiness is simple.

It is in hearing my teenager gush about her latest crush. It is listening to her sing. Happiness is seeing her sit with her brother, and have them get along swimmingly.

Happiness is my son ... saying good morning mommy. Giving me a hug. Happiness is any new word for him. Happiness is in interrupting a stim - without a meltdown. Happiness is potty training! He's successfully got it down. Happiness is interest in playing with other children, socialization, wanting others around.

Happiness is the perfect cookie. And homemade banana bread. Happiness is a cup of coffee, and a quiet moment to clear my head.

Happiness is progress. Happiness is health. Happiness is laughter.

If you have those, you've got wealth.

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