Day TwentyEight - Sorrow

I have had sorrow.

I know that it leads me to other places though. I wouldn't have ever known how much I can grow if not for sorrow. I would never have known how much fire I have in me, without the sorrow of my son's struggles.

It taught me ferocity like I have never known before. Showed me strength that I have never been lucky enough to witness without the struggle. I know love deeper than I thought possible ... because I witness it all in Hunter.

He wasn't full of sorrow for being Autistic. That was me, for him. And for what I thought I was losing out on because of it. Really, though, I can't count how much I have gained thanks to it.

This boy works harder than anyone I have ever known before. He loves purely and simply. He gives of himself, every day. He inspires me to be a better human being, he showed me what it is to be truly compassionate.

In the moment, when the sadness of sorrow overwhelms, it is hard to see ... but as I get older, as I learn more, as I have sadness pass time after time to be replaced with a brighter light than I ever knew before ... it becomes easier to know the light is coming. It is easier to remember, with each onset of sorrow, that this too shall pass.

This moment is just a stepping stone, to where ever I am meant to be.

And sorrow never lasts long for me.

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