Day ThirtyThree (Feb 2) - Expectations

I remember once, when my daughter was much younger, her telling me that I wouldn't find myself getting disappointed so often if I just lowered my expectations. She was very young, maybe 6 or so at the time. She is always saying things that are brilliant and hilarious.

She's sort of right. But I remember how sad hearing her say that made me feel.

I would never want her to lower her expectations. I would never want her to know disappointment either (I know that's silly - all people know it eventually - it's just a mamabear thing).

I haven't lowered my expectations. I still get disappointed.

The thing is, though, I find my disappointment fleeting. I find things that don't meet my expectations ... pass out of my life. And if I were to lower my expectations, I do not know that I would be so lucky.

So many leads lives of quiet desperation. Settling for lowered expectations. Disappointment drawn out over decades.

I do not want that for my life. I will not model that for my children.

High expectations yield exceptional results.

Keep reaching higher. Keep hoping longer.

Wonderful, glorious, amazing things are out there.

Expect them to find you! And they will <3

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