Day ThirtySix (Feb 5) - Your Health

FINALLY I am caught up and writing in real time! Not writing in my book and then writing here. To look at the laptop screen was like hell for my head for a while there. Even if I lowered the brightness to almost too dim to see, it hurt my eyes. Hurt my head. I hope I will be better soon and forget, entirely, the hell it was to be forgetful and have double vision every where I go. So ... to my health!!

I have always been healthy enough. I mind over matter most health issues away. That's why the concussion was so hard on me. It was my mind that was hurt.

I see my body as a vessel, to do the bidding of my mind. My mind is the keeper of my soul, my spark, my substance.

I am graced with a strong mind, one that I use to all of my ability. Including to heal my body.

I have heard for so many years what I shouldn't be able to do anymore, on account of my back. I have heard it from doctor after doctor, specialists, XRay techs, the CT girls ... they all say the same thing. You shouldn't be walking anymore. You can't pick up and put down your 30+pound child all day. You must be in a debilitating amount of pain.

First and foremost, I learned at a very young age that I can do anything I set my mind to. So I do it. Maybe I am too stupid to know I shouldn't be able to, or maybe I am so smart that I realize that saying things to myself like "I can't do this" will make it so. Which ever way you look at it, stupid or smart, I am still doing! And I am not about to stop now!

I am also as stubborn as they come. And I won't listen to anyone who tells me I can't or I shouldn't do something. They'd have done well with this knowledge when I was in first grade and it was cold outside and someone announced on the PA system not to lick the frost of poles. Little, five year old me, said ... don't tell me what I can and can't do. And went straight out to lick the frost off a pole. And when my tongue got stuck and they said just wait, don't move. I didn't have to listen then either. I moved. I pulled. And ripped it right off of there.

I do not recognize limitations and boundaries. This is something that has been how I am forever. I know nothing of limitation. I believe, honestly and with my whole heart, that I can do absolutely anything. And I believe that anyone else can too - if they choose to. It is a good thing I was graced with this lack of limitation. It helped me, later in life, when I sat across from a specialist and listened to him list off all the things my son would never do. And again, later, when his first team of professionals told me over and over again what he wouldn't be able to do. I simply don't speak that language.

The only limitations people have are the ones they impose upon themselves. That includes for our health.

We can grow. We can heal. We can do anything and everything!

If we just tell ourselves we can, and set our minds to it!


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