Day ThirtyOne - Flowers

I do love to stop and smell the flowers. And I just bought some fake ones the other day. For my vulnerability. To give to someone. And maybe ask him to be my valentine.

I am not like other girls. I don't want dozens of roses, or any flowers really. If I get any I want carnations. Because they are the best bang for your flower buck and they live forever. Plus they smell delicious!

I like flowers when they are in the ground.

Or on trees.

I love to walk under cherry blossoms and breath so deeply I think the petals might come right up my nose. Lilacs are the same.

There is a spot, on the walk to where I used to work, with this path of trees. There is sidewalk on either side of the patch of grass and two rows of trees. And so many people walk along it. It's a really busy sidewalk actually. And they are all missing the spot between the trees.

I walked in the middle of those rows every day on my way to and from work. There is a special time of year, a few weeks in the spring, when the trees are about to blossom, that walking through it, tall as I am, I can breathe in the freshness of those flowers. And no one is ever in the way.

I am sure, from the sidewalk, the flowers still smell. But I know, from between those rows of trees, they smell more. Just for me.

Life is full of little miracles. Flowers are many of them.

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