Day ThirtyFive (Feb 4) - Favourite Colour

My favourite colour is green. Because it is one of the ones that I see. I am not fully colourblind. I have tonal confusion or something. It's a rod and cone disorder of the eye. My rods and cones don't work quite right. So some colours are mixed up for me. If you ever see me in an outfit that really doesn't match, colour wise, I probably don't know. You should tell me. I might think my shirt is blue, but it's purple, or dark brown. I don't know. I can't tell so well.

I can memorize what things are supposed to be. Like the sky is blue, even if it sometimes looks very white to me (and I don't mean the cloud cover/chem haze whiteness). Water is blue, even if it looks green to me (that is, when it is not clear).

I can see, very clearly, greens and yellows. They make up a large part of the colour of my eyes.

I love green and all the things that are green. Like weed ;) it's great. All the plants in the spring as they push through the dirt. All those seeds, broken open, must hurt, but for growth - worth it. To become! Worth it! To break out of a tiny shell, and through seemingly insurmountable darkness, to become a flower. Or a tree. Or a squash plant! To finally reach out for the sun! To feel the warmth on all of you, warmth that you can turn into energy! Oh, to be a flower!

Green means growth. Green means a state of nature. Green means spring time and summer is coming. Green is my favourite for many reasons (outside of weed). It's a gender neutral colour to choose, too. And it is my favourite.

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