Day FortyOne (Feb 10) -

It is a wonderful thing to sleep in <3

Hunter doesn't sleep very much. He like to stay up late and get up early. And I get it. I don't sleep much either. Anyone who knows me well has heard me say it a time or twelve ...

Sleep is for the weak and the poor.

Also, it's a waste of time.

There are 24 usable hours in every day! (that's not my line, I stole it from hottytoohothot LivTyler in Empire Records).

Today I wasted an entire half hour just laying in bed. Watching the world turn outside my window.

I didn't hear any sound from down the hall so I thought I would jut lay here. And be lazy.

Hunter came down the hall, to go pee, and I know I need to get up and going now. It' time. To get downstairs and start the breakfast. Bacon. And eggs. Toasted bagels with cream cheese.

And coffee. Lord do I love coffee. CannaCoffee <3

Enjoying every day like the little slice of heaven that it is meant to be

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