in #morningmantra5 years ago

Inspired by our lovely @jaynie I post my morning mantra today. Share the love and wisdom, sharing is caring.


"True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so, wants nothing."


Most of humans live in the future, plan what they want to have and reach in 5, 10 or 20 years, or indulge in the past. But to live right here and now, to perceive and to enjoy, only a few are able.
The Ego mind always wants security to make sure to face a prosperous future. Therefore, the mind has to learn that the unexpected, the change and the unplanned often promise true happiness.
Step out of the shadows of your past and open your heart to the many possibilities of the future. This you get when you live now and here...

What do you think of Seneca's words?
How do you interpret them?
Leave me your feedback.

Wanna let me a comment? What do you think?


Inspirado pela nossa adorável @jaynie, coloquei o meu mantra matinal hoje. Compartilhe o amor e a sabedoria, compartilhar é cuidar.


"A verdadeira felicidade é gozar o presente, sem ansiosa dependência do futuro, não para nos divertirmos com esperanças ou medos, mas para ficarmos satisfeitos com o que temos, que é suficiente, porque aquele que assim é, não quer nada".


A maioria dos humanos vive no futuro, planeja o que quer ter e alcança em 5, 10 ou 20 anos, ou se entrega ao passado. Mas para viver aqui e agora, para perceber e desfrutar, apenas alguns são capazes.
A mente do Ego sempre quer segurança para ter certeza de enfrentar um futuro próspero. Portanto, a mente tem que aprender que o inesperado, a mudança e o não planejado muitas vezes prometem verdadeira felicidade.
Saia das sombras do seu passado e abra o seu coração para as muitas possibilidades do futuro. Isto você obtém quando você vive agora e aqui....

O que você acha das palavras de Séneca?
Como você as interpreta?
Deixe-me o seu feedback.

Quer me deixar um comentário? O que você acha?


Inspiriert von unserer lieben @jaynie poste ich heute mein Morgen-Mantra. Teile die Liebe und Weisheit, Teilen heisst sich um etwas zu kümmern.


„Wahres Glück besteht darin, die Gegenwart zu genießen, ohne ängstliche Abhängigkeit von der Zukunft, sich nicht mit Hoffnungen oder Ängsten zu amüsieren, sondern zufrieden mit dem zu ruhen, was wir haben, was ausreichend ist, denn wer so ist, will nichts.“


Die meisten leben in der Zukunft, schmieden Pläne, was diese alles in 5, 10 oder 20 Jahren erreichen möchten, oder schwelgen in der Vergangenheit. Doch im Hier und Jetzt zu leben, wahrzunehmen und zu genießen, schaffen wenige.
Der Egoverstand will immer Sicherheit, sicher stellen einer blühenden Zukunft entgegen zu schauen. Deshalb hat der Verstand zu lernen, dass das unerwartete, die Veränderung und das ungeplante oft wahres Glück verheißen.
Tritt aus den Schatten deiner Vergangenheit und öffne dein Herz für die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten der Zukunft. Lebe jetzt und hier...

Was meint ihr zu Senecas Worten?
Wie interpretiert ihr diese?
Hinterlasst mir gern euer Feedback.

image source: https://unsplash.com/search/photos/yoga


#mantra #inspiration #spirituality #powerhousecreatives #theluvbug #philosophie #life #poetry #wisdom #community #steemitbloggers #seneca #quote #psychology


This is lovely, and a wonderful quote (and writing of yours!) about mindfulness!
With the #thoughtfuldailypost tag, it could part of @wesphilbin's project!
Oh, and I love the photo, too! Beautiful! Bravo for this post! 😊

Thank you sooooo much!
I am happy that you like it.
And thanks for the information of this hash tag. :)

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Its a pleasure
Thank you :)


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