5AM Thoughts - When The Habit Kicks In

in #morning6 years ago

So this morning, once the alarm went off, I made a deliberate decision - I am going to sleep in. And after settling in with that idea and feeling completely content with it - I got up.

And that, my friends, is the beauty of a habit - you don't have to listen to your brain anymore.

In other news, it's seems that I've unwittingly nicked a curie vote and for one of the weakest morning posts too. So, to whoever gets offended by this - I hear you. These posts weren't even trying to get any attention. As I mentioned before, I do this for me. To stay on track, to form new habits and eventually to have more control over the quality of my life.

If that, by a happy accident, happen to inspire you two to step up your own game, well, then that's just perfect, but it is not the main intention.

The main intention is quite simply, to get up - and start the day.

So, have a buzzing Sunday and talk tomorrow..



I love your thoughts and writing. i am big big fan of you and your posts.

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