5AM Thoughts - Habits

in #morning6 years ago

If you have to ask why are you doing this, you're not there yet. Besides, it's only been what, day 6..? Day three if we count weekend as an utter failure and start from the top. Creating a habit takes a whole lot longer than that.

Habits fascinate me. The shortcuts in thought and behaviour. With enough repetition, anything can become such an elegant, effortless shortcut. Mastery.

Waking up at five might not be your thing, but what would you like to master?

Some say it takes about a month to create a new habit. I'd think a month is not enough to get to that sweet spot of actually feeling like it's effortless. Because if you set your intention to do it for a month, you might get into the trap of doing it for a month just to get out of doing it.. and then say - oh, but I did it for a month and now I want nothing to do with this anymore. :D That is not a habit.

However long it takes, and yes it's uncomfortable before it gets better, you have to get to the place where it becomes a second nature, you don't even have to think about it, you don't have to worry about it because your body now knows better and takes the task over from the brain.

Well, anyway, got to get going and get ready for work.
Have an especially lovely day! ^^


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