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RE: I'm a mormon so I'll clear up some common myths about us

in #mormon7 years ago

Well, thanks for answering! Although, I'm not sure you understood my objection to the first myth, so I'll see if I can do better to explain myself. It's not really important what you consider yourselves, as in Christian or not Christian, because the term Christian was already well defined before there were Mormons. So, to come along and say you are Christian when you deny the creedal beliefs of an already established religion with historic beliefs, then that seems a little disingenuous.

I'll give you an example. You say you believe in the biblical Jesus Christ, but Christians all throughout history have believed that to mean Jesus is the second person of the Trinity. Consider the Nicene Creed,

We believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
begotten from the Father before all ages,
God from God,
Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made;
of the same essence as the Father.
Through him all things were made.

by this you can see that historically Christians believed Jesus was "one in essence" with the Father, meaning that the "one God" includes both the Father and the Son. This is further emphasized by the statement that The Father is the creator of all things, and then saying all things were made through Jesus Christ.

Now, I may have been misinformed but do Mormons believe that Jesus is "one in essence with the Father" and Begotten from the Father before all ages?" For that matter, do Mormons believe that God created everything? It is my understanding that Mormons only believe creation to mean an organizing of the elements into the universe, not creation ex nihilo.

Further, Christians believe Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit of God to a Virgin. Doesn't the Mormon church teach that God the Father has a physical body and had sex with Mary?

To me this seems to be talking about two completely different Jesus'. I am not aware of any Christian denominations that do not believe Jesus is one with the Father. I also do not think there are any Christian denominations that believe the Father is a physical being, with a physical body. Christianity teaches that God is Spirit, John 4:24. It also teaches that God and Jesus were both creators of everything see John chapter 1.

As for the second question, I see what you are saying. I guess it isn't part of your listed myth, but I would say the reason for that is because Christians just aren't aware of the other books, nor their influence on Mormon beliefs. It's within these other books where doctrines that differ so radically from Christian theology that they cannot be found in the Bible unless there are other books.

To me, this is another reason that Mormons aren't Christians. Christians have written a ton of books over the years, but Christians believe that all doctrine must be in line with the teachings of the bible. Sure, there are disagreements on interpretation, but in the end, the Bible is seen as the ultimate authority. The one exception I know of is the Roman Catholic Church, which I would argue isn't Christian either.

As to the plural marriage thing, there are plenty of Mormon groups, (or people who claim to be Mormon but aren't because they don't believe in recognized Mormon teachings:)) who still think they are supposed to have multiple wives. Why is that?

I don't want to be offensive, but it seems pretty easy to see from an historical perspective that the whole "God told me to have a bunch of wives" thing is generally something that men do when they have power and want to have sex with a bunch of different women, but their power derives from a religion that condemns it. This is very similar to Islam, where Mohammed had "revelations" telling him he could have multiple wives, marry someone else's wife, etc.

Look in the Bible. Who had all the wives? It was the kings who thought they could do whatever they wanted. In the Bible, though, God never authorizes polygamy, He just puts up with it.

Another question raised by your reply about marriage... You said marriage can be extend beyond this life into the eternities, but that seems to contradict Jesus' teaching about this. See Mark 12:25 where Jesus says in the resurrection people will neither marry or be given in marriage.

On a different note, how can I get in on the long term storage food Mormons sell. Do I have to convert, or can a non member buy that stuff?


By the way, the food storage stuff is under Home and Family > Self Reliance > Food Storage
They have Carrots, Nonfat Dry Milk, Onions, White Beans, Black Beans, Refried Beans, Hard Red Wheat, Regular Oats, Sugar, Hard White Wheat, White Flour, Spaghetti Bites (They're like half length spaghetti because full length doesn't fit in the cans), Macaroni, White Rice, Quick Oats, Potato Flakes, Apple Slices, Pinto beans, and some other various stuff to help with food storage needs.

My parents had a lot of these growing up, and personally,
Oats make good breakfast obviously. (Sugar helps)
The dehydrated carrots are good for soups and stews.
The dehydrated onions are good in nearly anything that has enough moisture to re-hydrate them (soups, stews, tuna salad, etc.)
The spaghetti and macaroni obviously need sauces to go with them. Bottling spaghetti sauce isn't so hard. There used to be a pretty good powdered cheese sauce, but I don't see that anymore. Maybe it hasn't made it online yet?
The potato flakes taste a little weird. They taste like potatoes, but just a little off.. but they're pretty close to regular potatoes.
Rice is rice. Beans are beans. Flour is flour. Sugar is Sugar.
The dried apple slices are a little weird too, but they make a pretty good snack. They just suck the moisture out of your mouth.

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